
Friday, October 04, 2024

Dockworkers strike suspended, the union says

A historic United States port strike has been suspended, according to the International Longshoremen’s Association and the U.S. Maritime Alliance.

A tentative agreement was reached "on wages" and extending "the Master Contract until January 15, 2025 to return to the bargaining table to negotiate all other outstanding issues," the ILA and USMX said in a joint statement Thursday evening.


  1. Remember in the 60's when Hoffa had all the ducks in a row to basically shut down the country. What happened to him? Prison ,then death.

  2. To paraphrase: "We have suspended the strike until after the election, because it would damage the election chances of our Democrat patrons."

    1. My first thought also. they must expect trump to win so he will look bad when the strike happens on January 15

  3. Let me start with saying I've worked union jobs during my working career so don't start with the scab shit.
    Ok that said I don't understand why the governors in red states that are right to work states stipulate that work will continue while negotiations are ongoing.. It's not like these are high skilled jobs, roustabouts and crane operators unload work boats in the oilfields in the gulf, many times in 10 to 15 foot swells and 20 to 40 mph winds.. Unloading a ship tied to a dock would be a breeze for them..

    1. Fuck unions. I was happy to be scab.

  4. Unlrealistic overpaid dock monkeys. Automate their asses out of a job then.
    That gangster Union boss can get run over by a speeding truck too.

  5. The Union boss makes 900 k a year, His son on another Union, makes I think it was 700k a year. meanwhile starting pay for dockworkers is 20 bucks an hour. Seems to me, they need to start figuring out why the top tier makes such ungodly amounts?

  6. Foreign ownership of all our ports is not good . return the ports to American ownership , and Then automate everything possible.

    1. Yup - foreign ownership of all our ports is not good. Double plus ungood.

      If we automate everything where are we going to buy all the robitics? Oh - that's right - China. And what happens the when we go to war with them?While I'm not a fan of unions since they're so corrupt I do believe people should get decent wages. But not 200k a year for simple stuff. Plus overtime and health benefits most of us don't get.

      And who will run the robots? Somebody online from China or India?

      No good solutions whatsoever - this country is pretty much fucked.

      I take that back - there are solutions. You all know what needs to be done.

  7. I'm betting some Demonrat pol or a mafia gangster(I repeat myself) sent that union boss a pic of his house with a target superimposed on it.

    That "f*ck you pay me" rant he put on the net the other day certainly warranted it.


  8. I wonder if the reaction to that "I will cripple you " threat from the union head was much worse than that idiot expected.

    And that some realized that that threat gave good reason for many to say "Screw that, start automating now!"

    1. That threat gave a good reason to do a Hoffa on his ass....

  9. 62% pay increase over 5 years. Meaning 6 figure job for manual labor at the dock. What a joke.


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