
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Fuck you and that ticket

Two men were arrested in connection to a shooting involving a Sacramento County Parking Enforcement vehicle, authorities said Monday. 

The Sacramento County Sheriff's Office says, just before 11 a.m., the employee was near Wyda and Ethan Way when they reported being shot at while they were inside the parking enforcement vehicle, after writing a citation for another vehicle. 


  1. The Meter Maid could have lost an eye...

  2. Farid Vera and Julian Clavijogarcia, turning a parking ticket into a felony. Smart. Real smart.
    Diversity in action.

  3. Just a symbolic way of fighting the draconian establishment's overreach.

  4. We have a bigger point here.
    If the government agents are targeted each time they show their faces in public, what happens to the entire concept of the government agents leaving the -- perceived -- safety of the bureaucracy buildings?

  5. Shooting at the meter maids might have been excessive as a response. But given how petty they can be it should come as no surprise that parking enforcement employees are despised by those that have to deal with them on a regular basis.

    I once worked in the downtown area of a California town with limited and time restricted street parking, and the only paid parking lot was a loooong walk from the office. So we all played the parking game: A couple of times during the day we'd have to drive around and find a new parking spot.

    The meter maids drove around in a three-wheeled mail cart chalking tires and looking for infractions. They would jump on even the minutest of disobedience by the proletariat.

    One day I got stuck on a phone call and missed the window to move my truck. I was crossing the street as the meter maid pulled in front of my vehicle, got out of the cart, and started writing a ticket. I comment to him (not all of the meter maids were women, and they all hated be called a meter maid!) that I was only a couple of minutes late and couldn't he cut me some slack?

    "The laws the law. I am required by the law to write the ticket." Indicating I understood, I turned to go back to the office.

    He said, "Aren't you going to move your vehicle?"


    "Why not?"

    "Because you can't ticket me twice in 24 hours for the same infraction. So why bother?"

    He was openly upset at my attitude, so I prodded harder. "You also have me blocked in with your illegal parking. So while you have your book out be sure to write yourself a ticket for parking in a fire zone." His cart was catty-corner to the curb and in a red zone next to a fire hydrant.

    His stuttering retort was, "I can park here because I'm LAW ENFORCEMENT!"

    To which I calmly replied, "The law as written allows law enforcement to park in a fire zone only in an emergency. This is no emergency. Anyway, you aren't law enforcement. You're just a meter maid."

    I could feel the glow of his anger on the back of my neck as I strolled back across the street to my office. Sunlight on a spring day never felt as sweet!

    1. The lower on the chain of command, the higher the level of pettiness.

  6. I once convinced one of those tax feeders that marking my motorcycle tire with that particular brand of chalk could endanger my life, as it would deteriorate my sidewall, and motorcycle tires used a different formulation. Don't touch my scooter.


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