
Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Huge election war in rural state as voters fight over 'vile' phrase from the Constitution used on ballot papers

A heated election debate has erupted in Kentucky as voters clash over a ballot amendment that bars 'idiots and insane persons' from voting.

Despite the recent uproar, the phrase actually already exists in the state's constitution and the rule has been in place for decades.


Yet there's nothing said about electing idiots and insane persons.


  1. If we couldn't elect idiots and insane persons there would be nobody to elect.

    They want to bar democrats from voting?
    I'm all for that.

  3. Voting should be a restricted privilege (in the sense of an earned honor), not a right. Say, military vets, individual property owners (no corporations) in the district, service to the community (real service - like push a shovel for a while or some such), etc. No one on welfare. One vote per household, county level "electoral college".

  4. The idiots and insane are the ones complaining....

  5. Miriam Webster dictionary defines the word "idiot" to mean: : a person affected with extreme intellectual disability. Synonym: Democrat.

  6. An idiot is someone with an IQ of 0 to 25.
    An imbecile is 26 to 50.
    A moron is 51 to 75.

    Sorry if they take offense, but someone with that low of an IQ can't walk across the room without being a danger to themselves or others.

  7. There goes the Democrat advantage

  8. I think the only heating and clashing is going on in the media here in So. KY. It will pass by a large margin.


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