
Thursday, October 10, 2024

Not today, Juan - this isn't Target

FRESNO, Calif. (FOX26) — Two accused thieves targeted a clothing store near Downtown Fresno Monday afternoon—but likely never expected what happened next.


  1. They're so young.
    No punishment: they'll be professionals by the time they're 18 and STILL will not be punished by the left.

  2. bend him bare-assed over that fence and beat his ass raw with the stolen 501's
    that's the only way he'll learn not to do it again

  3. What? Somebody actually apprehended a thief in California and wasn't charged with a crime themselves? Does that even happen? I thought theft was legal in Cali! How is that store owner not in jail?

    John G.

  4. The little thugs should have been unconscious with their face rearranged when the cops showed up.


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