
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Lord help us all

A few weeks ago Skidmark sent me a link to a political knowledge quiz - 13 simple questions - shit like what party did Abraham Lincoln belong to, you know, high school shit.
I took it and missed one (I'd have sworn the cocksucker was a democrat) and then clicked for my results and standings.

Now I consider myself to be fairly well informed about the state of politics but I miss a lot of shit when I get distracted by camel toes and cleavage so it came as no big surprise that I blew the Lincoln one. So sue me.
I forgot where I was going with this before I got distracted by thinking about camel toes and cleavage.
Oh yeah. Being fairly informed, it came as no big surprise to me that I scored better than 81% of the rest of whoever else took the quiz.
What is fucking shocking is that if you look to the LEFT of where I am, you can see where the liberals start scoring in the lower 10-20%. What's fucking scary is that 4% (FOUR PERCENT) missed every fucking question.

I just about shit when I saw that. There among us, is 4% of the population that missed every fucking question on this quiz. Yet these folks are allowed to vote, to drive, to shop and generally wander around unsupervised in public. Oh my God. I do not have that much ammo. None of us do. Four percent of the population that's too dumb to die against Three Percent. It ain't gonna be pretty.
If you want to take a look at the poll or even dare to take it yourself, here's the link:
And please - only fuckers that score high report back. I would like to think that if you're spending time here you have half a fucking brain as far as politics goes. I hope so anyways.

In case you can't tell, the infection in my jaw flared again today and I'm a bit cranky. And yes, I'm on a double dose of antibiotics. Hari the Hindu didn't even hesitate when Lisa called and demanded that he give me some better shit this time, didn't even insist on another office visit. But he's seen me pissed.


  1. I'm Canadian and I managed to get all 13 right.

    Of course I'm also White with conservative/libertarian leanings and I own guns. Something of an endangered species in pinko-socialist Soviet-Canuckistan. >:-(

  2. Didn't take the test and comfortable with what I know. Use to teach history and political science. The poll is absolutely correct---most kids these days have little if any knowledge about history. I can understand you missing the question on Lincoln with Obugger using him as a role model. The south would have faired better after the War for Southern Independence had he lived, but would have been far better off had he never been elected in the first place. We should have freed the slaves and then fire on Fort Sumter!

  3. Me too. White, Canuck, 13 right. And yes Cutter, I did already know that honest Abe was a repub. When a mouse lives next to an elephant, he better damn well pay attention!

  4. Oh, yeah -- 13 for 13! Though I did kinda guess on the Boehner question -- I mean, with a name like "boner" the jokes just kinda write themselves.

    Helpin' a brother out:

  5. 13/13 Perfect score... Top 8 %

  6. Yeah, got 'em all right.
    Fuckit bro, jack that raghead up an' get yer jaw squared away.
    Or get a six months script for some serious shit.

  7. Missed one. Thought I selected Republican for Lincoln but I was laughing at the time and got it wrong.

  8. Hi Wirecutter,

    I scored 13..that surprised me, I figured I would do average. Damm we are in trouble and I gave you props on my blog

  9. 13/13. Fuck liberals. Doublefuck Obama.

  10. I'm not Canadian and I managed to get all 13 right.

    The scarier thing than the 4% you noted is that 25% got 5 or fewer correct. One in four of the testees (o.k., intentional play on words there) scored lower than 39%.

    Extrapolated over 300 million folks, that's 75 million idiots out there. More than I thought, but I bet I know to which political party they belong.

  11. Got 13 of 13. Also posted the results by demographics to my blog if anyone wanted to look at them but not take the quiz.

  12. 13 for 13--I'm an 8 percenter. I'm not surprised at the results, though. The media and the leftards have done a good job of jacking people's brains up.

  13. I took that test a week or so ago and I got every one of them right and I am Canadian.

    I am frightened for you Americans.

  14. 13 out of 13 - the test is too easy

  15. Got 'em all.

    The man's name is pronounced "Bayner", not "Boner".

  16. 12/13. Canadian. Political junkie. Blog whore.

    I thought the mexican illegal immigration question had double meaning.

    While I will agree the Democritters want all the illegals to stay it would only be via stealth aka not enforcing immigration law, giving them IDs, health cards, etc.,, I always felt the GOP actually was willing to put laws into place to make them truly legal.

    I stand to be corrected.

    As for some of your fellow citizens being ignorant, not surprising for us Canucks. How often we have travelled through your great country, stopped for whatever supplies, asked where we are from (we do have accents) and all too often hear "is that some new state" or "where is that".

    While that may be indicative of a culturally based egotistical American centric view in the eyes of my pinko brethren up here, I will just blame your MSM for creating ignorance on so many fronts. Schools too.

    How you made the bed, is how you sleep in it.

    But don't feel alone. For all the non-centric informing the predominantly leftist MSM up here does along with our schools, we too have our disappointing share of village idiots

    Speaking of beds, keep the candy coming.

  17. Kenny, that's why this country is fucked.

    The statists don't even know they are statists. When you can vote yourself free food and money from the long do you think it will take for this country to implode? Not long. Your state's going first.

    Fuck Obama.

  18. There was a poll in amongst thoise pics? Seems I got distracted. I'll take off the staring glasses & put on the reading glasses in a bit.

  19. 13 for 13 WC. Good Lord we are in deep shit. This is public edjamacation at its finest and these people breed, we are truly fucked.

  20. holy crap - my 8 year old niece got 13 of 13. The fact that those walk among us who couldn't get anything right leads me to believe we need to declare open season on Californians.

  21. how do you miss all 13 questions when the answers are 50/50

  22. 13-13
    I thought it was a simple test but I admit there is a LOT I don't know....and probably don't want to.

  23. Bryn, Isle of Anglesey, UKApril 26, 2012 at 12:57 PM

    12 out of 13.
    White British, UK resident.
    I know how stupid liberal socialists can be (we're infested with them over here), but it still amazes me that anyone can get a significant proportion of these questions wrong.

    One wrong answer - I've no idea who/what John Boehner is.....

  24. 13/13 It great to be in the top 8%

    25% thqt got 5 or less correct is more than a little scary.

  25. Another Canuck, another perfect score.

  26. Despite your magnificent attempts to distract us with cleavage and camel toe photos I got 13/13.
    Had to think 'bout the Bohner one. Gave him the benefit of the doubt that the R after his name stood for Republican rather than RINO.

  27. Looking at those stats the worst group would be the lat teens/early 20s females with a high school education or less. Now shutup bitch and go make me a sammich!

    13/13 FTR.

  28. Bryn, he's the Speaker of the House - Head Rino, if you will.

  29. 13 for 13. American with a high school eddicashun. But I do tend to keep up with the wassup in regards to the pathetic state of our country.

  30. I join the got em all right club. But I am older than dirt and actually studied civics and history in school.

  31. 30 comments? impressive!!

  32. 13/13...a really old Canuck.

  33. Shell,

    Yeah, yeah, we know it's pronounced "Bayner", but he is such a dick-head, Boner fits him better. I use it whenever I bother to mention his RINO antics. He sucks up to Homobama so much he might as wel be a Democrat.

    13 for 13. But I'm a 60+ year old who went to a high school that actually taught its students.

  34. I posted the link to the quiz on my Facebook page. One of those who took it is an Irishman I've known online for years. He's in his early sixties, born and raised and has lived his life in Dublin. His total time spent in the USA is "less than two months" total and he got 13/13. He was appalled at the level of American ignorance shown by the results.

  35. I'm with you wirecutter, missed one, the who helps illegals become citizens, fuck, Reagan gave amnesty ........ oh well.........

  36. Seeing all the comments, I finally took the test. 13
    You'd have to be a fucking retard to fail that thing!

    Remember the interview video someone did where they questioned obama voters right after they voted. It's embarrassing as a human being that these people exist.

  37. I got 13 of 13 right. That wouldn't have happened if I could have found the "Asshole" answer for Nancy Pelosi.

  38. How about something more filling? like a tube steak!.

  39. Hell, I'm on the other side of the world and even I got 13. And my thoughts on Obama are completely unprintable. Maybe I can get a visit from the jackboots at the secret service? They might even find some pretty hookers while they're touring Down Under...

    Fuck Obama, the worthless shitstain.



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