
Monday, June 11, 2012

Sissie's school project

This oughta send the PETAphiles through the roof.

- David


I had to give a 10 instructional thing when I was in 3rd or 4th grade and my subject was how to prepare a squirrel for the pot.
Not only did I get an A on it but the teacher wrangled an invitation from my folks for the following weekend for supper of sqirrel and dumplings.
Schools have changed a bit since then.


  1. Every time I scroll over this post, I have to stop, it's just uncanny how much the bottom middle pic looks like me when I was her age. And she's a redhead :D

  2. Things ain't changed around here, kids get their picture in the paper with their first deer they take.

    Of course I live in the "Big City" and our paper comes out every wednesday, and here in the metro area we have all 3 traffic lights in the county.


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