
Sunday, August 05, 2012

Who doesn't love summer?


  1. Good Lord! Is that last one laying on an inflatable pool toy? Attention Swimmers: Your oversized store-bought titties CAN be used as a flotation device.

  2. I guess the boys are late coming to this one... I just have to say I do like the freckles on girl #3.. hey, just being honest ;-)

  3. Me too, MissK. I'm also a sucker for a smile.
    Cute freckles and a big smile are tough to beat.
    On the other end of the spectrum is that blonde with the "not amused" look on her face - probably no fun to be around.

  4. The Brazilian Wax studio missed a spot on photo #6. As for Photo #7, talk about core excercising. Geesh! She could do push ups without her arms. Would that be considered bounce ups then?


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