
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ooops, my bad.

I had a post up a few days ago with a video featuring Social Distortion, a group that some good friends turned me on to a few years ago. Well, this morning I woke up to a comment from Eric saying that Mike Ness, the frontman for the group is a PETAphile. I googled it and was directed to PETAfiles (no shit, PETA actually calls it's blog that) where I found this:

It seems like anywhere Mike Ness goes, he leaves his mark. As the frontman for Social Distortion, he's one of the most influential men in punk rock. As a solo artist, he's blazing a trail on the alterna-country scene. However, while Mike has made a huge impact on the music world, his impact on good ol' Mother Earth is smaller than most people's. That's because Mike knows that meat's not green and that by keeping animals off his plate he's doing the single most effective thing anyone can do to reduce his or her carbon footprint.
Mike Ness is the most recent celebrity to sit down with PETA for a "Meat's Not Green" photo shoot, and he even took the time to answer a few questions about why he's doing his part to make the world a better place.

Thanks, Eric. I pulled the post and I have heard Mike Ness for the last time.


  1. You're welcome man. I know it sucks, Social D was my favorite band for nearly 25 years. however there are plenty of Rockabilly and Punkabilly bands out there that aren't total Fucktards. Oh yeah FUCK OBAMA


  2. I told ya they sucked.

  3. Meat is MURDER!!!!!! Tasty, tasty murder.

  4. It sucks nowadays. Most Actors and musicians are libtards. I won't give them my money!

    One of the best rants on this was here:

  5. When meat does turn green, however, I heartily encourage Mr. Ness to have a heaping, steaming plateful.

  6. The Petasses are going against God's will. If he didn't want us to eat the animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat.

  7. I still listen to Social D. Of course all the CD's of theirs I have were pirated. So many artists of all genres are fucking liberal, I don't worry about how they spend their time & money. Just like they don't give a shit about me.

  8. It seems just about everyone in hollywood and the music biz is a moonbat. I feel your pain, I hate supporting these idiots with my hard earned over taxed dollars. But sometimes it just can't be helped. I mean seriously, if I boycotted everyone who was a moonbat, I think all the music I would be left with is Hank Williams jr. That said, for me, it just depends on how far gone they are. Some examples, Sean Penn and Danny Glover, those Chavez hugging dictator loving assholes will NEVER see any of my money. But it is near impossible to be totally pure in this cesspool of a world. My two cents.

  9. Yeah Crankyjohn, but I particularly hate PETA. Sorry, too many threats, nasty emails and comments and that's just after I started this blog.
    I've been hating those cocksuckers for years before that.

  10. I hear you WC, and in case I forget,
    Fuck Obama!

  11. Check out a band called Madison Rising and see what you think.


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