
Thursday, February 21, 2013

I just can't let this go, man.

Okay, I gotta confess that on the post below, I did not watch the video on the link. I still have not watched it. I don't know what it contains but I suspect that it's more of the same bullshit about telling people to fight back if there's a shooter.
Bullshit you say? BULLSHIT???

Yeah, bullshit. My whole line of thinking on this is that if somebody has to tell you to fight back, you've already lost the fucking battle and probably your life. It should be a natural reaction.

Let me give you a couple of examples, both of them years apart. The Luby's shooting it Texas back in October of '91 and the more recent Aurora theater shooting in Colorado. I'm going to go out on a limb here but I actually do not believe that there weren't patrons at both shootings that weren't armed. Why didn't they shoot back? Was it mindset? Fear? Panic? I don't know, but people died. The Luby's shooting in particular still has me shaking my head - the shooter was moving around. He had his back to some of the patrons/victims and was still allowed to continue on with his killing. How come nobody got up and beat his ass down with a chair if a firearm wasn't available? Were they afraid of being shot? Hell, I'd be afraid of getting shot if I didn't stop him. It's called self-defense for a reason, folks.

I have a feeling, with my readership, that I'm preaching to the choir here but you have to keep the mindset that you ARE NOT going to let anybody fuck with you and if they do, they are going to pay dearly for it. Make sure they're going to think twice about doing it again.
Let me put it another way: You're walking down the street in California and somebody attempts to rob you with a knife. You give him your wallet and watch and self respect and he's arrested later. You've still lost your wallet, your watch and self respect. He might, just might, get 5 years of which he'll serve half due to the politician's prison realignment program. That is the cost of doing business to a criminal. Nothing more. He won't even remember your face when he get's out 2.5 years later with a couple of new tattoos.
But if you pull out your gun (or knife) and fuck his shit up, I guarantee that if he lives, he will remember you - maybe not you specifically, but he'll remember the surprise he got when he tried to rob Joe Citizen and he will think twice about doing it again.
Yeah, you might get hurt. I don't know about you but I'm willing to give up some blood for my self respect.

What about the cops and the law after you've planted your blade or 3 rounds in his chest? Well, that's up to you. Myself, I'll reholster my weapon and move out smartly. Catch me if you can. And I doubledamn guarantee you they won't put a lot of effort into finding somebody that merely cleaned up the street for them.
I'll deal with it when the situation arises.


  1. Kenny, I have a two word answer for what you are describing. "Normalcy bias."

    Look it up.

    Sheep are never prepared. They huddle and piss themselves hoping that what they are witnessing will just go away on it's own.

  2. Kenny, not sure if youre familiar with Luby's...the average crowd in the place at any given moment is 99% blue-haired. those that still have hair.
    might explain the body count.
    The gun laws in Texas have loosened up since this incident.
    mostly because of this incident.

  3. I have often thought through what you said in your last paragraph and its pretty much the same as what I came up with. I might start with pepper spray if I'm in a (rare) good mood.

  4. Bootmaker - thanks for that information and you're right. I don't know what the ages were of the victims and that would explain a lot.
    I do know that it was because of that incident that a young lady ran for office - she was there and her parents were killed, her gun was in her purse in the car - and helped to change the laws.

  5. WC, you highlighted the problem most people have these days...they are not willing to shed blood for their self respect.

    A lot of 'patriots' are fond of quoting "The tree of Liberty has to be watered with the blood of tyrants from time to time'. What they forget is the blood of patriots gets shed at the same time.

    Michael in Nelson

  6. just have to say "YEAH BUDDY"
    while back you asked about what
    fighting knife one had. mine is a
    NAA mini revolver in .22 mag.

    Get it in the back is O.K. with me


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