
Saturday, April 20, 2013
No, I do not wear a tinfoil hat.
I do believe that paranoia is running deep. Gee, I wonder why.
I will be the first to admit that it does go over the top sometimes - for instance, the 9/11 conspiracy theories. I personally believe that it was carried out by muslim terrorists as an act of jihad and nothing more. Period.
Yes, I believe that bin Laden is dead, shot and killed when they say he was and I believe that his body was buried at sea for the reasons given.
The Texas fertilizer incident a couple of days ago? An industrial accident and not a missile strike as some claim. There was a fire at a plant where materials that can be highly explosive under certain conditions was manufactured. It takes a very high temperature to cause an explosion with ammonia nitrate. When the firemen sprayed water on the fire as the material was burning, it created a hyperbolic explosion and chain reaction. The same thing happens when you spray water on thermite - it quits burning and starts exploding. Yes, I've seen videos that claim that you can see a missile hitting the plant. Sorry, I ain't buying it. It was a very tragic industrial accident.
No, I do not believe that the Connecticut school shooting was a government job as some claim in order to turn the Nation against gun owners. The same thing happened just up the road here in the 80s in Stockton, California. Unfortunate incidents by deranged individuals, although I do think it's abhorrent for politicians and the MSM to use them to push their agendas.
But with all that fucking security at the marathon, both government and private, how in the hell did two people get through with two bags big enough to carry pressure cookers? Nobody questioned them as to what they were carrying in those bags? Have you ever seen a pressure cooker? Wait, let me rephrase that - have you ever seen a small lightweight pressure cooker? I haven't. They're generally pretty good sized and fairly heavy - they have to be for their intended purpose - yet not one but two people got through all that layered security lugging them in? And one of them had been questioned by the FBI a couple of years ago at the request of a foreign government - don't believe me, read it for yourself HERE from a MSM source. Sure, they found nothing, but I'm pretty sure the fucking feds would've continued to keep their eye on him. Hell, they monitor MY site and all I do is disagree with their unConstitutional tactics. Surely they kept on monitoring his tweets and emails. Even his own family thought he was a little over the top.
And nobody thinks this is even a little suspicious?
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I do not know if it was as suspicious of any evil doing on the part of the feds as much as I think it is much more likely to be an indication of ineptness born of complacency and acceptance of diversity as being more important than unity.
ReplyDeleteMove quickly, smile and be cordial. Help an old lady like Angel cross the street.
ReplyDeleteThe element of surprise goes a long way.
Remember that there are three types of people. Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what happened.
Guess who's in the majority.
And that's a very distinct possibility too, Glenn.
ReplyDeleteAll I'm saying is that given the political underhandedness of our government, especially lately, it's worth questioning. Not accepting, just questioning.
Hell, I may be completely out of line here, it won't be the first time, and if I am I'll admit publicly right here on this blog.
Big city. Young people. Fucking backpacks all over. 500,000 people, some that live there, most spectators. Video and still shots show quite a few bags.
ReplyDeleteHell, I don't know.
RPM, you just got both of us on Angel's shitlist.
ReplyDeleteDave, that's like that deal that came out where somebody noticed in a video a man standing on a rooftop near the finish line.
ReplyDeleteEver been to a parade? There's lot's of people on rooftops. Great vantage point to watch from.
Again, question. Don't accept. Sometimes there's logical reasons and sometimes there's illogical reasons that have nothing to to do with what happened. If there was a fistfight down the block, some will claim it was a diversion, while in reality it might just be because somebody stepped on another man's feet and didn't apologize.
Like I said, if my questions are wrong, they're wrong and I'll be the first to admit it.
Just trying to wake her up!
ReplyDeleteMolon labe.
I will be nice, as both of you are my seniors and I was raised to respect the elderly.
ReplyDeleteI think it was a case of too much to watch, too many layers create more complications than fix things, and rampant political correctness. If wirecutter or rpm or any of us normal white people had been there with bulging backpacks, we would have been tackled at the first line of security. But although they weren't ME muslims, they were clearly ethnic.
Sandy Hook - Yes it happened. What we are seeing with the lack of remorse and such is just typical detached Liberal parents. However there is a cover up there and it was explained early on. They are changing some facts to better fit their narrative and covering up the part where the school administrators were sticking their noses into the Lanza family business and caused Adam to snap and target the school.
ReplyDeleteBoston? The security people are not looking for minority terrorist so they paid them no mind. Security at the event? A joke again they weren't even looking for anything and not doing their jobs.
The government doesn't have to purposefully set up these events their single minded Politically correct, Multi-Cult, White hating operating procedures are doing it for them. The cover up comes as they omit and change things to cover their ass and that just leads to more suspicion about the event.
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity ... incompetence ... laziness ...
ReplyDeleteFBI = Famous But Incompetent
ReplyDelete15 x 15 x 15. I own one. Just tried to see if it'll fit in a will. Weighs about 10 lbs. Fill it with amfo and BB's and nails and you are looking at 50=60 lbs or so.
Very doable.
Not saying you are wrong here...but the pressure cooker will fit in a backpack.
The glaring omission in all this is WHERE THE HELL WERE THE BOMB DOGS???? Do you think for one instant that a crude device like a pressure cooker loaded with black powder would have got by dogs??? There are some articles that allude to dogs being around but by the descriptions I'm guessing they were just police dogs. We have ops personnel standing around everywhere and people on alert like something was suspected yet no-one called in bomb dogs?! Anyone walking thru a crowd with a pack full of black powder in a cooker would have had the bomb dogs going beserk from a block away! WTF?????
ReplyDeleteIt all could have been aimed at seeing how a major U.S. city reacted to what amounted to Martial Law. The people in Boston accepted it in stride. But then you know what they say about Boston---liberals and lobsters. Liberals like big brother and easily accept something martial law in the name of public safety. But then, if you ask me, martial law in the big metro areas may be a good idea. Just to let them see what total government control would be like.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, huh? That never even crossed my mind.
ReplyDeleteFuck. Now I have to go to the Wal-mart for some tin foil.
There were also 3 picked up in New Bedford that were #2 roommates. The also could have had a car nearby, or maybe a 'friend' with an apartment near by. The marathon is huge here. People come with backpacks, blankets, cameras, chairs got the picture. The Saudi kid, who mooshell visited at MGH was seen next to #2...I think that kid is back in the UAE...
ReplyDeleteJust playing devils advocate :-/
I might need medical attention after Angel's BURN!
ReplyDeleteMake that a bag containing a big pressure cooker AND enough scrap metal for shrapnel. Quite a weight of nuts, bolts and ball bearings to surround that pressure cooker...
ReplyDeleteAwww, rpm, come over here and show me where it hurts. Let me put some aloe on that. You big baby.
ReplyDeleteKenny- my wife has a 2qt aluminum pressure cooker. Immigrants make weird-ass food and my wife brought hers from Brazil with her last time. It weighs about 2lbs max. I could fit the thing in my backpack from college no problem, but I was a wicked geek carrying 40lbs of books everywhere I went. Regardless, a 3-4 qt cooker packed with blasting powder and packed around with crap from home depot's nut and bolt aisle would make for a hellacious 15lb package of hot stop it. The fact that much of the blast energy was taken up by light and heat and not force leads me to think that the cocksuckers went over the border to New Hampshire and hit a dozen wal-marts for 1/2lb cans of powder or raided some local union tunnelworker sites for blasting caps and shit. Lord knows the goddam sandhogs don't know shit about keeping their boomsticks secure. Older neighborhood kids used to rob then blind when I was a kid and would blow up the clam flats at home and send mud piles flying.
ReplyDeleteAs I've mentioned on other blogs: Life has imitated art once again.
(You know...we still haven't heard a motive yet...)
Let’s suppose that the guys who do the looking are ordered, for political reasons, to ignore people, who look a certain way; it's just possible that they won't see anything. Now suppose they’re ordered, for political reasons, to look for a different kinda guy, someone who happens to look like me or you, then they're all alert.
ReplyDeletewhatever happened to the supposed simultaneous bombing of JFK library? same guys? hmmmmmm
ReplyDeleteI don't know about this, but check it out and see what you think;
I see how it could be interpreted, but it still looks pretty nasty to me.
ReplyDeleteThis should be a link to a uk paper claiming a sleeper cell of 12 in Boston. Right now it is up on drudge
If this happened during the "peak" time of finishes, the first pack coming through, then I'd be extremely suspicious. But it was during the 4 hour period when all the people coming through sort of fall into the category of "Also Ran..." Not taking anything away from them, but they're not what "the world is watching". So security was extremely slack, but the crowd was filled with friends and family of these runners. Great time to induce terror.
ReplyDeleteAnd having been at Boston public sporting events (not in stadiums), the public and "security" are both oblivious until voices get raised or people move as if they're fighting.
I question everything nowadays, as when it was happening, I had a dozen thoughts run through my head of who/what/why/how. Same with Sandy Hook, Aurora, Tuscon, etc... But when the truth unfolds, that's where you need to pay attention the most because THAT'S when the .GOV crowd moves in and decides what's best for you. You can see it this morning (4/22) in the stories where people are saying these turd nuggets didn't have a permit for the guns they shot cops with. "So this is why we need stronger gun laws!!!"
Be safe folks, because the ground is feeling pretty shaky.
I popped in to display my knowledge of pressure cookers and bomb makings, but I see that others have already done so. I learned how to do this in college. Not how to cook with a pressure cooker but how to make homemade bombs. Mom taught me how to cook with a pressure cooker and she has three of differing sizes, one fairly small.
ReplyDeleteDid you know you can get a wonderfuly fiery flash from blowing up non-dairy powdered coffee creamer under pressure?
Besides, it's a marathon. Heavy backpacks at the finish line are full of water and gel packs for the finishers, ya know? No one would have thought it weird.
Actually, damned near anything that's powdered is explosive if it's fine enough.
ReplyDeleteI remember quite a few years ago there was something like 2 or 3 flour mills that blew up within a couple of months of each other. Flour.
Haven't heard of it happening since, either.