
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Welcome to the old/new Knuckledraggin

I have had some serious problems with my hosting service on my wordpress blog so I've decided to resurrect this one as a filler until GoDaddy gets their shit together and fixes it. Actually, at this point in time I think GoDaddy's a lost cause so I'm shopping for a new host and I think I've found one.
My readers have been good to me and I do feel an obligation to you. Posting here will begin tomorrow.

Do me a favor though - if you have friends that read my shit, please let them know my new location.


  1. You resurrected this on Easter. You have long hair and a beard. Jesus.

  2. Hope you/they get it sorted out quickly Ken.


  3. Hey Kenny;

    Its like Deja Vous or one of those high dollar French words...Welcome Back

  4. I let folks know to come here over at my place.
    It sure brought back some memories when it opened up.
    Maybe for once I will get the follow up comments from here, I never have from the Wordpress site.
    Happy Easter and good luck!

    1. Thanks for posting the link, Phil. I'd of never found this place otherwise.

      Hey Ken, I figured you'd finally shitcan GoDaddy after the months of torture they put you through.

      Kapt Kaos

  5. Happy Easter to you and the lady, brother. God bless you always...

  6. Wherever you keep posting I will keep reading.

  7. I hope you get it sorted out. No one needs that kind of agrivation. FWIW: GoDaddy's domain services should let you point to this blog.

  8. Hey Wirecutter, I feel I put a jinx on you or at least your web site with my comments about bad things happening in 3s in the tranie fail post.
    Having enough of that befall me as anyone else, give or take, I should've known not to tempt fate!
    Glad to see you back up on the old site, although I had only previously been here from links on one of the newer version.

    Peace and thoughts on this Easter Sunday.


  9. Trouble with the blog, eh? How many fingers am I holding up?

  10. Glad you are back.

  11. Happy Easter.

    What everyone else said(wrote). Glad to know you're ok even if your blog is giving you fits.

    We'll all still be here when you get it sorted out so don't let a bump in the road stress you out. Remember to 'just calm the fuck down' and enjoy life.

    later, one of your many friends

  12. Every time this happens, I think you have been shut down for thought crime!

  13. I just wanted to let you know that I got here via the Feral Irishman. I always go to his place after hitting yours. And I wish you a Happy Easter. I am not a Christmas type, it is not really my holiday. But Easter is the holiday that really does it for me.
    I am a Christian, and a lot of it has to do with the whole symbolism and the reason for the holidays, but even moreso, it has to do with the Christmas season being the start of cold, short daylight, snowy days, and such, while the spring Easter season brings with it the promise of renewal, longer and warmer days, young life coming, and even this year, April 12 is my oldest daughters 40th birthday.
    So best wishes to anyone who reads this, and thank you, Kenny, for fixing this for the time being. I forget to mention it, but my Dad's name was Kenneth, also. I have a cousin, named after him, who is retired from the Navy and a postal worker in Junction City, KS. Happy Easter, everyone.

  14. And the beat goes on!

  15. Happy Easter to you and Miss Lisa Ken.

  16. There’s a reason they chose Danica Patrick to hawk; it works almost as well as she wins races.

  17. It’s good to get even this to read today on Easter Sunday Kenny. Hope alls well your way and all my fellow Southerners hunker down. Looks like we’re in for a ruff evening tornado wise.


  18. I had just assumed that Asshole Dog Jack ate your computer.....


  19. Happy Easter

    I am going to pray your new host will do the trick. Little in life is more aggravating than blog problems. I don't know for sure, but I think Blogger is much more limited in the types of embeds you can post than Wordpress. So try not to get more aggravated by that part while the hope of sane and competent hosting is still viable. <3

  20. good luck.. and repost the last few days when you get a bit.. i missed those

  21. I was skeered those bastards had killed Kenny!

  22. Fucking fuck every fucking body all to fucking fuck.
    Not bad, 5 fucking fucks in a fucking 9 word sentence.

  23. Welcome back Kenny! Missed your blog in North Idaho!

  24. Wondered where you'd gone.
    It's taken me 3 days to find ya!

  25. good to see you are up and running , happy easter ,and thank you for all of the entertainment

  26. Siteground......Siteground.......Siteground,

    Been using them over 10 years.

  27. Glad you are still alive! I finally was able to bring up your old site and found the message. Aren't computers fun? :) Happy late Easter to you and Lisa.


  28. Took me until Tuesday to find you. Got to have a little Knuckledraggin'.


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