
Monday, July 13, 2020

Constitutional Republic vs. Pure Democracy: How the U.S. Election Process Has Changed

Conservatives are generally quick to point out that America is a republic, not a democracy. But what really is the difference, and are they even right?

Voting in America has changed considerably since the days of our founding. Back then, the government didn’t even print official ballots. Instead, you got ballots from the candidate who wanted your support. Sometimes voting took place in public, so everyone knew who you voted for. And, of course, the franchise was largely restricted to white, male property owners.

Now, anyone who turns 18 can vote. And the Democratic Party wants to increase ballot access by automatically registering anyone who gets a driver's license. Democrats even pushed for mail-in ballots for the 2020 election to make voting even easier – and more open to voter fraud. But is any of this a good thing?

Indeed, it is worth considering the transformation of the United States from a Constitutional Republic, ruled by law with the input of the people, to a total democracy, where the will of the people dominates all other discussion.


  1. Down that road lies death and destruction. Even I with my limited intellect know this. You would thing all those smart people on the left wit there advanced degrees would know this as well. Boggles the mind it does./

    1. Yeah, you'd think. But high IQ plus advanced degrees does not equal wisdom. Deep-seated insecurity, high neuroticism, poorly concealed self-loathing, and self righteousness are a toxic mix that leads to paranoid aggression, the belief that anything you do is entirely justified because you're the Real Victim, and in some cases, a strong desire to see the "bad people" humiliated. Not merely punished, not even killed, but humiliated.

      I don't see any other way to explain why the Left, the "Eternal Rebels" behave the way they do. And some of them just want to see the world burn. They might have pretty phrases about "justice" and "fairness" and "righting wrongs" but they really hate the world because they hate themselves.

  2. Actually, we live under what I call a "beurocratic autocracy". The voice of the people, either thru representatives or in majority, simply doesn't really mean much anymore. We are controlled and governed by the Faceless Ones.

  3. I've said for a long time that it's the freest communist country in the world. You can do whatever you want as long as it's ok with the government, and you pay your tax

    1. Your comment made the most sense. It’s a scary thought, but true.

  4. Start by repealing the 19th. I've even had women agree on this, as they know emotions are anathema to good governance.

  5. Another name for "pure democracy"- mob rule.


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