
Thursday, July 02, 2020

Coronavirus does what California wouldn't

With about a third of San Quentin’s inmates now infected with the coronavirus after a transfer of prisoners from a Southern California correctional facility overrun by the illness, Marin County officials revealed Monday that a death row inmate found dead last week in his cell tested positive for COVID-19.


  1. Incompetent or Malignant Planning?

    This is as stupid as Governor Cuomo ordering sick people into NY nursing homes, and preventing them from testing any patients in the nursing homes.

    Not going to cry over a Death Row or lifer inmate dying, but the inmates that have a definite sentence deserve better.

  2. Why didn’t they just make the inmates wear masks? We have been threatened with imprisonment for months for failure to wear those worthless, uh, I mean life-saving pieces of shit

  3. About the only way this damn state will ever clean out Death Row.


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