
Friday, August 07, 2020

Sounds like some stupid shit I'd have done at that age

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Three teenagers fleeing police while carrying a semiautomatic gun in a backpack jumped a wall at President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort, but probably didn't know that's where they were, authorities said Wednesday.


  1. "...didn't know..."


    Fry the little bastards like cheap f*cking bacon.

    I no longer have pity for ANY Liberal who breaks the law. Too many transgressions, too many free passes. I have no more patience and ran out of f*cks to give a long time ago.

    Burn the little b*itches at the stake.

    1. What gives you the idea that they're liberals? Hell, at that age I didn't have any political leanings at all - the only thing on my mind was getting loaded and getting laid, not necessarily in that order.

    2. By 14 years old I knew who I was, a gangbuster ultra-right conservative. And ready to cut long-hair hippies, druggies and surfers hair to the skull. And we did. Some scalps were taken. We Went to Viet-fucking-nam to kill every commie in the land. We did not succeed, but some of us still seek the same fortune to kill all the commies now in America. And at this, I believe we will succeed.

  2. Re the gun in the backpack: "Just found it" my ass. They were planning a little crime spree and got caught before they were ventilated by their selected target.

  3. What color were the teenagers ? 😜😜😜


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