
Friday, September 18, 2020

My Day

So I woke up this morning, had my coffee and went out to feed my chickens, only to find one dead in the coop under the hanging feeder. The feathers around her butt were pretty bloody, so the only thing I can figure is she either had an egg break inside her or one got hung up. Well, shit. Those 4 birds keep me and Lisa in eggs, plus I give the folks across the road a dozen about once every 10 days. I needed to replace that hen, but I figured to pick up a couple in case I lose one this winter. 

I didn't want to get chicks for a couple reasons, #1 being I've got 3 hens in the coop and I wanted something big enough to where they weren't going to get pecked to death and #2, the weather's getting cooler and I wanted birds that would be old enough to survive the winter. Plus, come springtime they'll start laying right when the older hens get back on schedule. 

I got online to the poultry dealer I've been using and checked their inventory sheet and saw they had a bunch of birds in the 3-4 month range. Perfect. I hopped in the truck and drove down to Brush Creek in Smith County just on the other side of Carthage (home of Al Gore, Nobel Peace Prize Winner) to get a couple pullets. 

I pulled into the place, told the kid what I wanted, and he netted me 2 pullets. He told me what kind they were but he was mumbling so I didn't quite catch it. I'll have to look it up later when they get their full plumage. 
He put them in a raggedy box and folded the lid shut. I paid him and thanked him for his time.

Anyways, I turned on the stereo and headed for home. It was a beautiful day, nice and cool, and all was right in my world - until those fucking chickens decided to make a break for it. They didn't just find a way and crawled out, it was like somebody hit a switch because those motherfuckers just exploded out of that box as I was tooling on down the road at 60 mph singing along to David Allen Coe with my driver's side window open. 

So here I am, trying to bat those bitches back into the back seat, trying to steer and roll my window up all at the same time down this curvy hilly road, cussing to beat the band. I finally found a stretch of road with a shoulder, so I pulled over and jumped out, then opened the back door and climbed in trying to corner these two birds and not being very successful. I'm starting to get frustrated and I look behind me and I'll be damned if a deputy hadn't pulled up behind me with his lights flashing. 
I climbed out of the truck, fucking chicken feathers in my beard, and he asked me just what in the hell was going on? I explained what was happening and he came over and looked inside, started laughing and climbed back into his Explorer and drove off. Hell, I could've used a hand here, partner. 

But yeah, I finally wrangled them back into their box and got them home, stuffing them into the henhouse where there's a KFC lid stapled prominently above the door as a warning as to what's going to happen if they keep fucking up.


  1. Maybe they don't like David Alan Coe.

    1. Then what the hell good are they?

      Deputy: "I'd help you buddy, but I'm laughin' too hard."

  2. It's fitting that David Allen Coe was playing when all this occured!

  3. This may call for a parody version of "You Never Even Called Me By My Name"

    I was drunk
    The day my chickens
    Got out of prison....

  4. You need one of these, it might help.

  5. Sounds llke another lazy day on da farm.

  6. Dang dude, I can see all of that in my (little) mind's eye!

    So funny.

    How much did the 2 little eye-layers cost?

    1. I gave 14 bucks apiece for them at 14 weeks old. I could've got younger ones for less, but like I said, I wanted them to at least be able to get away from the older ones while they establish their pecking order. As it is, they're huddled up in the corner of the coop right now.

    2. Cool. If you will name them egg-layers (got it right this time) Jane and Ann - I'll drop 50 bucks in the tip jar.

      Funny stuff. Keep up the good work Kenny!

    3. Well, it beats the shit out of continuing the string of names I had for the other ones - #1, 2, 3, and 4.

      I'll do it for nothing, but what's the significance of the names?

    4. Jane is my wonderful wife. Her eggs (and I guess I had something to do with it) produced our 3 beautiful daughters.

      Ann is my mother. She recently passed away at 87 years. In fact we just returned yesterday from TX for her memorial celebration with the whole family. She too, and Dad, had 3 wonderful children - my 2 older sisters and me - the youngest and most charming ;)

  7. A shame you didn't have John Anderson's "Chicken Truck" playing.

    1. Naw. "Wolf Creek Pass."

    2. I thought of that one too! "Took that top row of chickens off slicker than scum off a Louisiana swamp!"


  9. chickens are of the devil, evil creatures

  10. i learned the raggety box lesson years ago.
    spend $5 or less for plastic cat carrier for your poultry, at a yard sale.
    they usually are pink, and if you are lucky, covered with 'hello kitty' stickers.
    quite the conversation starter at hen days at local feed store

  11. can't hypnotise chooks? 😊

    Lyrics in comments

    Lyrics in comments

  14. Dang Kenny. Man you can write stories. The whole reason I started reading your blog is your stories man.

    Thank you.
    Steve in Ky

  15. I was clucked the day my mom got out of prison!!
    Paul J

  16. Hey Kenny;

    Shit, I laughed my ass off, thanks for the story, LOL

  17. I spent a lot of time in Brush Creek as a kid. My grand parents several aunts and uncles and who knows how many cousins lived there. My dad’s brother owns a place in Gordonsville and I go up a couple of times a year to visit.

    1. You may know the place where I get my birds then. It's called Poultry Hollow and it's located down at the end of Wilkerson Hollow Road.

  18. Nice touch the KFC kid. Silence loundly spoken. HUA!

  19. Great story. I can see it happening in my mind's eye. Also, thanks for the reference to the company. We normally order ours mail order as chicks and raise them. It is great to have a good local source for quality birds.

  20. Great one WC, had me laughing pretty good!

  21. Speaking of David Allen Coe, have you heard of the album, "David Allan Coe's 18 X-rated hits"? I haven't listened to all of it yet, I need to put it on a CD or cassette (yeah, my "classic" Durango plays both) but the first track is really rough and the titles suggest that they all are. It popped up on Youtube when I was watching Jerry Lee country stuff. Just checked and it's still out there. Definitely not safe for work.

    1. I've heard of it but hadn't bought it. And my 2001 F-150 has a CD/cassette player as well, but I rarely play cassettes on it. I don't have many left.

  22. I love homegrown tomatoes (fried green, with bread and mayo, BLTs, on a plate as a side dish, etc.). Three seasons ago, we canned 432 quarts of whole tomatoes and literally ate ourselves sick of the delicious Rutger's heriloom variety. We had 53 mature plants. A friend of mine learned a trick from a nurse at a hospital who gave him a sack full of ripe tomatoes just before Christmas a few years ago. He asked her where she got them and she replied, "I grew them". She later told him that she would pick the last of her tomatoes just prior to the first frost and pull them green. She said she then gently wrapped each one in newspaper and placed them in her storm pit not touching the next one. She said she had delicious home grown tomatoes most of the winter that way. We tried it the next spring and it worked great for us.

  23. I just put my little ones outside, yesterday. I have a little coop I built for transitioning the babies from the stock tank to outdoors. It gives them a chance to grow a little before putting them out in the flock.

    When I move them to the flock, it will be at night while the birds are all asleep. In the morning, they wake up and think the new birds were always there, or so it seems, as we have less pecking order fights that way. Nobody ever said chickens were smart.

  24. In recognition of your writing abilities, the universe awarded you the Pullet Surprise.



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