
Monday, September 21, 2020

Sit, stay, and roll over, America

So much controversy has surrounded the disastrous COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020. Masks are bad, then good; protesting en masse is a constitutional right; worshiping in church is forbidden; and now we also have to question the death count related to the virus. Americans are angry, worried, and confused with the misinformation from our media and our governments. But one thing has been clear: local government officials have grown ever more addicted to and drunk on power. They are flexing their might like never before and are training Americans like dogs to Sit, Stay, and Roll Over. 


  1. Noticed an interesting thing today at work. Masks are required to enter a business but the Mayor, Chief of Police, several PD Officers and Sheriff Deputies all came in without masks. Up to this they have been wearing them. Slow learning curve?


  2. I see some resentment from tome to time. Slowly letting down the guard. Now as long as the dreaded 2nd wave goes like the first it will be interesting.

  3. COVID-19 the greatest hoax played on the world stage since the invention of Islam

    1. Gotta think that Marxism at least slides into the #2 spot.

  4. Given that the author is a CWO I'd say his word has the weight of least several thousand politicians and bureaucrats, if not more. I don't know if Israel still has 2 years of mandatory service for young adults or not, but it sure seems like a great idea to foster at least some amount of patriotism and can-do attitude at an impressionable age. Sort of like having mandatory but somewhat lenient dress code/uniforms for school kids. Raise them with strong values and we could turn the country around, if only we have enough time.

    Honest people know the mask thing is pure bull shit. What is not is using common sense and increased diligence just like the smart ones do when there is a bad flu year. Do what is smart and avoid what is stupid. And turn off the damn teevee and quit listening to all the lying bastards-all the way down from Dr. Tony to the lowly 4am news chick.

    Off the soap box now.

  5. Ditto Highlandet.

    Another observation: peer pressure works! One of my customers is a big University, mask mandates strictly engorced for staff and students. As a vendor, I kinda skirt the rules (violently anti-mask myself, but at work...) so after my usual interactions, ee'll stand around BS'ing for a few. I take my mask off. Everyone else starts to fidgit. After about 2 minutes, other people start taking theirs off too. When the water cooler conversation is over, they put theirs back on and trudge back in.

  6. Corona virus.....developed for wide spread distribution on the world in a multi million dollar lab in China, controlled by a .79 mask....


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