
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Typical Democrat - Keep them in the dark and feed them bullshit

Presidential hopeful Joe Biden has said that the American people don't need to know who is on his Supreme Court nomination shortlist. He said that, in asking for his shortlist, President Trump is trying to "change the subject." 

When asked if the American voters should know who Biden would appoint for a coveted Supreme Court seat, Biden said "No, they don't. But they will if I'm elected. They'll know in plenty of time." 


  1. b. obama, m.obama, eric holder

  2. We have to elect him to find out what's on it.

  3. Why does this remind me of Pelosi and her declaration that we'd have to pass Obamacare to find out what's in it?

  4. What a buffoon. "It's none of your business who I pick to sit in judgement of you."
    It's going to be obama, and that's why he won't say until (he thinks) nothing can be done to stop it.

  5. No list no vote As a PRESIDENT Trump Supporter Knowing how my constitutional rights could be affected in the future by his choices is as important as as taxes getting us into wars and stopping these riots. .

  6. I make it a rule to never vote for anybody that calls a room full of active-duty military people "stupid bastards."

    (Resubmitted because Blogger said it was broke, so delete if it's a duplicate.)

  7. The commies are also huge fans of Bill Lan Lee; wouldn't surprise me to see him get a nod from Ol' Pudding Cups.


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