
Monday, October 26, 2020

Oh, for fuck's sake.....

The remains of a British soldier in Westminster Abbey's grave of the Unknown Warrior are likely to be those of a white man because of 'racial bias', research has suggested. 

The mystery troop's body was brought from France and buried in the church on November 11, 1920. 


  1. There were blacks over there but they were mostly behind the lines. Not by choice but that is where they were.

    That is history. Now we are racist for something someone did who we neither knew or are related to?

    That is just wrong

  2. I hope he wasn't wearing blackface. Unless he was also wearing a pink pussy hat then everything be ok.

  3. The idea was to honor those who died in war, and could not be identified. Is it really a requirement that the body actually conform to ideas of "representation" from 100 years in the future? These idiots need more to actually worry about, it seems that idle minds are the devil's playpen.

    1. The museum director could use a baseball bat to the side of his head to compensate for all the unconscious bias in the UK. That will give him a sense of the pain that stupid actions cause.

  4. They are probably white because they were BRITISH FROM 1920!

    Sweet Jesus, when I think we've hit peak stupid, it gets worse.

    1. Somewhere out there someone is saying, "Hold my beer".

  5. The dead quite likely must sometimes wonder what good their sacrifices made.

  6. "The remains of a British soldier in Westminster Abbey's grave of the Unknown Warrior are likely to be those of a white man because of 'racial bias', research has suggested."

    More likely a combination of British genetics and basic probability than any actual racial bias, but hey....

  7. Fook’em
    MadMarlin .

  8. I guarantee that the race of anybody killed in trench warfare and not buried right away would need DNA analysis to determine. Unembalmed bodies go really bad really quick.

  9. How many blacks where there in the UK back then? About 1,300 Indigenous soldiers served in the Australian Imperial Force during the First World War. Find something to talk about.

  10. Our love for Blacks is in proportion to our distance from them.

  11. These revisionist bastards always get their pathetic juvenile wokeism into the msm, don't they. We have honoured the fallen by visiting graveyards and memorials to all nations in France, Belgium and the UK: I wonder how many of these scum have done the same. It's probably too much trouble for them to leave their opinionated self-congratulatory bubble.


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