
Thursday, November 26, 2020

A Time of Chaos Upon Chaos Atop Chaos - VDH

America will weather its current hysterias. 

 But the tensions and furor are reminiscent of the last generations of the Roman Republic. In its last century, Romans began to adjudicate politics by obsequious partisan town criers (their version of our media), mass demonstrations, and freelance street gangs. Looters, arsonists, and demonstrators did pretty much as they pleased in the streets of Rome without fear of legal consequences. 

In our time, the media has now vanished – kaput, no more, ended.


  1. The problem with VDH is he still believes there is no evidence of fraud. He's either willfully blind or a Never Trumper in disguise. A US Mil Intel officer has now come forward saying .gov has evidence of electronic fraud with the machines. The reason Trump let GSA go forward with the start of transition is Biden, Harris, and those who want a position in his admin HAVE TO DISCLOSE ANY FORIEGN TIES. If they lie it's just one more crime.

    1. Please post a link the the VDH belief.

    2. He said the evidence should be released immediately. The legal process is slow that is what the liberals are hoping for.


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