
Friday, December 04, 2020

Here's some good news to start your weekend

John Fitzgerald Johnson, better known as ‘Grandmaster Jay,’ was arrested and charged with pointing a rifle at federal agents and Louisville, Kentucky police during a protest, which could land him in prison for 20 years. 

Johnson was arrested on Thursday and booked into a Louisville jail on federal charges, NBC affiliate WAVE-TV reported. Independent journalist Ford Fischer posted photos of the charging documents. 


  1. I do so hope that all of those POS go to Africa. Problem is that the African blacks do not want the US blacks over there because the job of goat herders is full up and mud hut housing is at a premium. How long would it take before they become cannibals?

    1. Lol why would they go to Africa? They know that Wakanda is fantasy and they have no Whites to leech off of.

    2. "they have no Whites to leech off of."

      We respectfully disagree!
      - Ethiopian warlords who got all the Live Aid money

  2. ...and not an IQ above 75 for any of those idjits. I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out how more of them aren't dead from friendly fire. Reminds me of the clip the other day when their cousins in Africa handed a chimp a loaded AK. ;^O


    1. Average IQ for African Americans is 85 due to white bloodlines - in Africa, the average I believe is 70-75.

  3. Ive never met Mr. Johnson, so as far as I know he sings in the church choir on Sundays and at Wednesday night bible study. Ok here’s the but, these are silly charges, well not if he pointed it at me any way. But again, I’m betting there were a shit load of federals pointing their weapons at this group of choir boys that day and none of them will be charged for it. I don’t like the double standard one fucking bit. Ok one more but, it was after the negligent discharge incident so maybe the federals were a wee bit apprehensive but why wait so long to snatch his black ass?


    1. Right there with you on this one.

    2. This guy is a dumb fuck from the word go. That having been said, I agree, why was he not arrested at the time he committed the crime? September, October, November, now the evidence is clear? I believe this asshole belongs in jail, I just don't want myself or any other American subject to this kind of law enforcement.


  4. How did this clown come up with the moniker 'Grandmaster'? Sounds more like he's the head of the local Moose lodge or Klan chapter than a professional shit disturber.


  5. Didn’t they already get their own land a while back? I recall it being named Liberia, maybe he could have gone there and been their representative to the UN.

  6. He calls himself Grandmaster jay because he couldn't use the "Grandmaster B". Bud Bundy has the copyright on that.

  7. I think we should skip phase 1 of giving them land here, and go directly to phase 2 and ship them all off to Africa, which is their ultimate desire.

  8. Their ancestors were GIVEN their freedom after 1865, look how far they've come. I say pack them on a cruise ship WITH their guns and all their ammo on hand, all the food they'll need below decks, piloted by remote sat uplink so no crew 'negligent discharges', disembark off the African coast, let them FIGHT for their new WAKANDA. 'Give them Texas'? Dream on, sucka. Oh, and NFAC on a tin can, any wagers on survival rates?

  9. They probably saved his life by arresting him before one of his own accidentally shot him in the back.


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