
Monday, December 29, 2008

Oh, HELL NO!!!!!!

I got into fly fishing this past year, that is until I got the 2009 Cabella's fly fishing catalogue today.
I opened it up to their "Flyrod" category and saw a rod priced at $750.
Sheeeet, I only paid $750 and a quarter pound of weed for my first car!


  1. i to started fly fishing last summer i think i paid 40 bucks for the rod and 30 for the reel?


  2. I bought a 2-3 weight rod and reel for stream fishing for 50 bucks and a 6-7 weight rod and reel for lake and river fishing for about $300.
    I wanted a good quality outfit for the rivers on the other side of the Sierras, they've got trout in there that I have only dreamed of catching.
    But there ain't no way in hell I would spend $750 for a rod.


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