
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Death to the Evil Cat

The main goddamned Evil Cat drug her claws across the toe of my best cowboy boots today when I was at work. What in the hell was she thinking? I mean, she's pretty fucking smart for a cat - comes when I call her, moves when I kick her - but she seems to take a perverse delight in destroying my stuff.
I swear, as soon as I find her I'm gonna use her for target practice.


  1. YOU have a CAT?

    Ah, now it all makes sense.

    "Sunshine", pajamas, and a little kitty. The guns/ammo/fishing talk was all a front. Those photos titled "Gotta Be California" are really your close friends, right?

    I can't believe I fell for it all.

  2. Ahhh shit.
    Okay, I'll cop to it. I have TWO Evil Cats, left here by my ex. I can't bear to take 'em to the pound and LulaBelle won't let me FedEx 'em to her.
    Damn, busted again.

    No comment on the rest of the accusations.


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