
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tattoo Jim - Straight Up White Trash, God bless 'im

Here's Tattoo Jim, one of my favorite contributors in his fancy lounging britches, white shirt and collar and his skull tie.
That qualifies him, don'tcha think?


  1. Sweet! I'm on the interweb! Ya know that's a t-shirt I'm wearing with the collar and tie printed on it don't ya???? Super White Trash!!!

  2. Naw, I didn't realize that. Where'd ya buy it?

  3. Where else, my friend... Wal-Mart!! Do most of my shopping there.

  4. Another one of your "friends"? He looks so normal - until you see the PJs.

  5. Watch out, Jim.
    If Deb digs her claws into you, you're fucked.
    You'll probably end up being featured on her blog.

  6. That was my best Christmas attire! Spent the whole damn day with friends and relatives that way. At my age comfort is the key word. Speaking of pj's, it's late here in Kitty Hawk so down with my morphine and a good night to all. Morphine... wish it tasted like bacon.

  7. I have searched the interwebs for a Tattoo Jim blog site where I can haunt this guy and make fun of his PJs, but I'm coming up with zilch.

    C'mon, TJ, ditch the 'lounging' attire, put on your big girl panties and start your own blog instead of having Sunshine do all your dirty work!

    PS to TJ - nice to meet you over in Drivel Land!

  8. Oh shit, Jim.
    It's on now. You got her started.
    You might as well break down and start your blog. You've already got a great fan base.

  9. I'll probably get around to it one of these days but I'm having too much fun skulking about like this right now. I don't want the "good people" who are sending my disability checks (my money to start with) to think I'm enjoying life with the daily pains. Heaven forbid, they might decide to send MY money to some illegal who has a paper cut. (Damn a screwed up neck,spine and shoulder anyway.)
    And Deb, you don't like my green pj's with the penguins with antlers??? They were a gift from a wonderful friend who thinks they fit my personality... wait a minute, was that a cut on her part???? Well, I guess I could put my shorts on (I am at the beach after all) and show off the tattoo's on my legs... maybe I'll wander over to Drivel Land instead.


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