
Thursday, February 05, 2009


Sorry about the lack of posts these past couple of days but between work and life kicking my ass, I'm just not in the mood to laugh.
Check back tomorrow night,


  1. Dude, everybody needs some "get the fuck out of my face" time. You "sound" like you need some. Catch you later.

    Tattoo Jim

  2. Yeah, got a bunch of shit hitting me from all directions and not a fucking thing I can do except ride it out.

  3. This too shall pass...

    ...and when it does we'll all look forward to bacon and California fruit.

  4. Life on this planet is both difficult and expensive. But every year, it comes with a free trip around the sun.

    Thanks for laughs. This blog makes my trip around the sun a bit more humorous. Just wanted to let you know your efforts don't go unnoticed and it really does make the world a better place (at least until the trips around the sun end).

  5. I hear a frosty cold one on a Friday night makes the ride a bit easier to take.....

  6. Actually Lula, I was thinking of maybe 10 or 12 of them motherfuckers after I take care of business later tonight.

  7. Come back buddy. I miss your posts!


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