
Thursday, November 05, 2009

The shit rolls on

All right, I'll keep the blog. I'll post when I get a minute, but ya gotta promise to be patient.
Numbers ain't nothing when you stop and think about it. Seriously, it don't really make a bit of difference how many readers I have or how many posts I make. It's all about those that give a shit.
Thanks again. I'll post some good stuff that I got this past week on Saturday and Sunday.
PS - Deb, don't drive out here. You'll die of culture shock.


  1. Good for you Wirecutter!! Your blog is one of my favorites. It always brings me a chuckle when Yolo or Tattoo Jim send you some funny shit. Keep up the great work.

  2. Sweet, brother!!! I know I speak for a shitload of people... you do need to get your own shit in order and done but don't ever give up the blog, man! Too many of us enjoy it wayyyyyyy too much!!!

  3. As always, I agree with Tattoo Jim!

  4. Good man. Love the honesty and the humor. Pace yourself and like a true Okie remember, we never quit. We just get shitfaced and nap for a while.

  5. That's great news! I will be sure to tip a beer in your honor.

  6. Glad to hear it! Love your sense of humor. I'll tip a few beer for you too. Just coz.

  7. Party at kens' house!!!!
    just showin some love, ken

  8. And you forget one other thing...The blog should be fun for you...
    I laugh my ass off every day, doing mine. It is nice to see numbers reading it...but as long as I have fun making it..i dont care.
    Go PERFLOGS!!!
    BTW if you quit there would be a LOT of dissapointed people...but then they may all come to my if you quit, point them my way!! JK
    I love your site!

  9. Whew! I was hoping you'd tell me not to drive out there. I was planning on hitting up my coworkers for all their Prozac, Xanax or whatever the hell those happy pills are they are always popping.

    Glad to hear you plan in hanging around. The Internet wouldn't be the same without you. Al Gore invented it JUST FOR YOU!


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