
Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Rolling Fucking Stones

I hate the Rolling Stones. I don't just hate the Stones, I violently hate the Stones. Don't ask me why, I can't tell you. I can remember when I was a kid and all the other fuckers were going ga-ga over them, I was gagging over 'em. I know that sounds strange coming from somebody that was a teenager in the 70s but what can I say.
I will freely admit that it's Jagger that I despise. I hate his skinny body, I hate his thick fucking lips, I hate his faggy haircut, I hate the way he dances, I hate his voice, but most of all I hate his fucking high and mighty attitude. And as long as the rest of the band lets him sing for them, I'm hating them too, the pussies.
Let me tell you how much I hate the Stones:
I can be going down the road with the radio down so low that YOU can't hear it and if a Stones song comes on I'll start cussing and turn it off. That ain't bad for somebody that has more than a 50% hearing loss.
I will boycott radio stations that play the Stones. Thank God for CD players.
If I'm in your vehicle and a Stones song comes on and you refuse to change the station, you better stop the truck because I'm bailing out.
If I see a Stones CD in your truck, you just lost it. It's going airborne. Sure, I'll pay you for it but that one's history.
If I'm channel surfing and accidentally catch a glimpse of that fucking punk Jagger's face, my TV screen will get slammed with a beer can.
If I'm at your house and you want me to leave, put the Stones on. I will walk out immediately. You can deliver my coat to me at a later date because I will never grace your doorway with my presence again.
What's really funny is that I have nothing but respect for Keith Richards who is an absolutely brilliant guitarist, but put him with Jagger and the shit is on.
Fuck, I'm getting fired up just writing about them.


  1. Yo Cutter, how do ya realy feel?
    Damn Homes, that was a rant..!!!

  2. Fuck James, you're right. It's easy for me to get carried away when I'm talking about them motherfuckers.

  3. so you can't get no satisfaction?....*runs*

  4. Substitute "Beatles" for those tumbling rocks in your post as well. Hope I didn't start you up again.

  5. I tend not to get too ballistic about music... I like pretty much anything... but every now and again, something will come along that I don't care for, like most ALL rap music... I still don't blow up... I'll just turn to something else or get up and leave... it's easier that way... what I really hate is an "artist" who can't separate their music from their politics... those two things DO NOT MIX!!! Period!!!

  6. NO, Deb The Beatles as Ozzy Osbourne,Brian May,Liam Gallagher and so many other well known respected rock musicians call The Beatles The Greatest Band Ever!

    As Ozzy who has been a huge Beatles fan since he was a teenager
    says not loving The Beatles is like not loving oxogen,and as The Rolling Stone Album Guide says not liking them is as perverse as not liking the sun.

    And as a guy who runs Keno's Classic Rock n Roll Site and who runs a Rolling Stones and a John Lennon site says in his review of The Beatles 1962-1066 Red Album,if you don't love or at least like The Beatles and their music than you are not a true rock fan.He also says in his review of The Beatles 1967-1970 Blue album,damn The Beatles were one great group.

    And you even like Abba of all things the ultuimate pop and disco band *not* a rock band.Really hard to understand.

  7. NO, Deb The Beatles as Ozzy Osbourne,Brian May,Liam Gallagher and so many other well known respected rock musicians call The Beatles The Greatest Band Ever!

    As Ozzy who has been a huge Beatles fan since he was a teenager
    says not loving The Beatles is like not loving oxogen,and as The Rolling Stone Album Guide says not liking them is as perverse as not liking the sun.

    And as a guy who runs Keno's Classic Rock n Roll Site and who runs a Rolling Stones and a John Lennon site says in his review of The Beatles 1962-1066 Red Album,if you don't love or at least like The Beatles and their music than you are not a true rock fan.He also says in his review of The Beatles 1967-1970 Blue album,damn The Beatles were one great group.

    And you even like Abba of all things the ultuimate pop and disco band *not* a rock band.Really hard to understand.

    December 27, 2009 2:13 AM

    I hate the Rolling Stones. I don't just hate the Stones, I violently hate the Stones. Don't ask me why, I can't tell you. I can remember when I was a kid and all the other fuckers were going ga-ga over them, I was gagging over 'em. I know that sounds strange coming from somebody that was a teenager in the 70s but what can I say.
    I will freely admit that it's Jagger that I despise. I hate his skinny body, I hate his thick fucking lips, I hate his faggy haircut, I hate the way he dances, I hate his voice, but most of all I hate his fucking high and mighty attitude. And as long as the rest of the band lets him sing for them, I'm hating them too, the pussies.
    Let me tell you how much I hate the Stones:
    I can be going down the road with the radio down so low that YOU can't hear it and if a Stones song comes on I'll start cussing and turn it off. That ain't bad for somebody that has more than a 50% hearing loss.
    I will boycott radio stations that play the Stones. Thank God for CD players.
    If I'm in your vehicle and a Stones song comes on and you refuse to change the station, you better stop the truck because I'm bailing out.
    If I see a Stones CD in your truck, you just lost it. It's going airborne. Sure, I'll pay you for it but that one's history.
    If I'm channel surfing and accidentally catch a glimpse of that fucking punk Jagger's face, my TV screen will get slammed with a beer can.
    If I'm at your house and you want me to leave, put the Stones on. I will walk out immediately. You can deliver my coat to me at a later date because I will never grace your doorway with my presence again.
    What's really funny is that I have nothing but respect for Keith Richards who is an absolutely brilliant guitarist, but put him with Jagger and the shit is on.
    Fuck, I'm getting fired up just writing about them.
    posted by wirecutter at 4:10 PM on Dec 19, 2009

    Leave your comment

    This blog is not a forum. I have my views and I ain't changing them. Read my blog for enjoyment and take it the way it was meant - humor.
    If I pissed you off, sorry 'bout that. Take your shitty comments down the road.
    At least have the decency to make up a name if you're too chickenshit to leave your own.
    Also I see you like John Denver and Aerosmith,well Joe Perry along with Tom Petty and Richie Sambora of Bon Jovi talk about how much they like The Beatles on a musician's site,Music Radar in a series What The Beatles Mean To Me.

  8. Also Brad Whitford of Aerosmith says that a lot of that Beatles influence comes from Steven Tyler's collaboration with Mark Hudson,both whom are absolute Beatles freaks. He said I guess the goal is to try to emulate probably some of the best music of the last 50 years which has to be The Beatles.


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