
Friday, January 15, 2010


Okay, my name is not "Dawg".
The next time I hear some young fucker call me Dawg, I'm gonna nut up and pistol whip his punk ass.
I don't know what the fuck happened, I don't know if it's the fact I look a little rough, I don't know what the deal is, but my name is not "Dawg".
I don't give a fuck if you think you're cool, I don't give a fuck if you think I think I'm one of "you", I don't care if it's the vernacular of the day, but don't call me "Dawg".
You're a fucking youngster. You ain't been nowhere and you ain't been through half the garbage I've been through, and you damned sure ain't paid your fucking dues as far as I'm concerned.
I'm a greybeard and I've been places you've never even heard of. I've done things that would make you shit and I may have even fucked your mama. I ain't your fucking dog unless you're willing to be my bitch. So shut the fuck up, boy.
I suggest you call me "Sir".


  1. Couldn't have said it better myself! What ever happened to "respect your elders"? I could rant and rave about this one for quite a while, but it's just a waste of time....and it certainly wouldn't change the fact that today's youth really suck at being respectable people.

  2. There is no respect today-it seems almost impossible to even get a simple thank you.

    Rotten kids....

  3. And I'll bet the little fucker had his cap on backwards, and his britches hanging almost to his knees.

  4. It's even worse when some little punk ass white kid, with his rapper outfit on, says it... stupid little shits... you're not black, you're never gonna be black, so cut that shit out... NOW! fuckers...

  5. I'm with ya Ken. Probably some droopy drawer, crooked ball cap wearin', wannabe, little fuck that hasn't seen shit, done shit, and sure as hell ain't shit.....and that's no shit!

  6. Yep, every one of you are right. It's always a white teen-ager that wants to be a different race. And it happens damned near every day.

  7. Or some Bitch with a tramp stamp..

    I suggest you start bitch slapping those wiggers every chance you get.


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