
Monday, January 18, 2010

Go forth and build an ark.....

Man! It's raining like a motherfucker here!
It's been raining steadily since yesterday with gusty winds and the streets are flooded so bad I can't even make it to the gun shop.
It's supposed to rain like this for the rest of the week, so it's a matter of time until the rivers and creeks start to crest.
As soon as the ground gets good and soaked, the trees here in town are gonna start toppling over, it happens every time we get a hard rain.
And here we are in a 3 year drought. Fuck Al Gore and his global warming.
I believe I'm gonna put some stew on a little later then kick back with a good book.


  1. Pouring down here in Long Beach, too. Almost 1-1/2" since midnight.

  2. I hope you got plenty a beer......or atleast are smart enough to be stocked.

  3. At 3:30 today they issued a tornado warning for the central valley. WTF

  4. In the low 50's today in VA. We're having a heat wave!! A tropical heat wave!! Snow from December 18 is almost gone now.

  5. beautiful here in wisconsin, sun is shining, no breeze, tropical at 28!

  6. its nice here in texarkana tx its currently 58 and the suns trying to pop out...its been raining almost every otherday for like 2 weeks

  7. I hear that the storm you guys are dealing with now is gonna hit me in New York by Friday...

  8. We got .88" yesterday which is a record for this part of California. SoCal is getting hammered worse. A lot worse.
    Hang in there, Drjim.
    Folks don't realize that when you don't get rain for months and months at a time, even a half inch can be devastating. That shit can't soak into hardpan soil so it's gotta run off somewhere.

  9. We've gotten 4.76" over the last three days. Our backyard is starting to look like a lake. The first day it drained in about 3 hours. The second day it took about 6 hours. There's still water in it tonight, and we're going to get clobbered again on Thursday.
    The adobe soil here just does not drain very fast. If it starts getting to where our garage is threatened, I'm heading to Harbor Freight to buy a pump and some hose, IF they have any left!

  10. After a long dry spell and a few wild fires, a good hard rain really brings on the mudslides too. The folks in SoCal better buckle up.


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