
Sunday, March 07, 2010

I hate cats

I got my left nipple pierced this evening.
Not intentionally, you understand.
I was coming out of the kitchen when I heard my retarded (seriously, she's fucking retarded) cat coming out of the paper bag she hangs out in, so I snatched her up to give her some loving.
As I was holding her to my chest and scratching under her chin, she dug her claws in and popped one clean through my nipple.
I also have a cat-shaped dent in my ceiling.....


  1. Damn, it's a wonder that didn't hurt! Cat shaped dent... hehe

  2. Dent? It's a wonder you didn't say "vent"....

  3. My mother-in-law once had a sexually conflicted, psycho cat that sunk a claw into my face once.

    Shame I left the door open that one time...

    BTW, Wirecutter, I have your custom sandwich over at my place with some...uh...side dishes.


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