
Monday, August 30, 2010

He must be dying

I stopped by my folks' house today when I was doing an ammo run. No truck, no answer at the door. Hounds were oustside. Nobody home.
So I called tonight and got Pops - Moms was headed to spend the night with her dad, Bud, who has been threatening to die on us for several years now but has really stepped up the pace lately, the motherfucker.
I mentioned that I stopped by and he said "Yeah, I was in the garage sneaking a sip of Scotch. I heard your boots but wasn't in the mood for company,"
Hey, I can understand that. Can't tell you how how many times I've hid from you.
Anyways, we got to talking, the longest conversation that I have ever had with my Pops. It must've lasted 15 minutes or so.
And I don't know why, I seriously don't, when I said my goodbyes I said "Okay Motherfucker, I'm outta here. I love you."
Fuck me if he didn't say "I love you too, Dickhead."
I'm 51 years old and he finally said it........... I knew he did, but to hear him say it?


  1. You lucky dog... mine never said that to me. Now, Mom's one smart lady -- she told me about the good things he said about me when I wasn't around. But never heard it from him.

    Maybe, someday... if I end up in the same place as him. (sigh)

  2. awww great way to start your week, i'm glad neither one waited till it was too late

  3. Thats cool, never heard either from either of 'em (real dad or the step dad that raised me} but hell at least I can throw a wrench around thanks to my step dad, you ain't gonna go and get all soft on us now are ya

  4. It feels good when they say that dont it. Ever since my Mom passed, 2006, i talk to my Dad a lot more, and now he says that every time. I dont recall him ever saying it before, it was always good luck.

  5. Treasure it. I lost my dad 45 years ago and I still think about him.

  6. You two are just a couple of warm fuzzy guys.

  7. That's special. Wish I had heard it, from my dad or stepmother. Too late now. I say it all the time to my kids.

  8. Heard it for the first time from my dad literally on his death bed. I think that generation just wasn't the type to verbalize it. Said it in plenty of other ways though. The most expressive was our fistfight-ended in a draw! Tough fucker.
    I say it all the time to my boys, and sometimes even to my wife!

  9. Hmmmm... one of the last things I said to my dad was "you're a useless sack of shit"... then I told him I'd bring my daughter (his only grand-daughter) to see him... never did though... he was too fucked up on morphine to know anything and he died two days later... still don't miss that fucker...

  10. TJ, you come thru the school of hard knocks. Don't get too crusty you old bugger. I've been fighting the Big C. for a year now. And I ain't crusty. Remember the good times.

  11. Yeah Ken, I can dig it.
    My ol' man was a prick and never said a possitive thing about his kids.
    Fuck him.
    Mom had our back though, what kept us kinda straight.

  12. You broke the ice and probably made his day. Sometimes it takes the "kid" to do it. Keep the ice broken.


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