
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Oh, my God.

It must've been a good night last night.
I vaguely remember grabbing my last beer out the 18 pack, thinking that I wasn't ready to go to bed yet, realizing I was WAY too drunk to drive, leashing up CharlieGodammit to go to the corner store 3 blocks away, getting halfway there and thinking not only was I too drunk to drive but I was too drunk to walk but I was already halfway there so fuck it, having a hell of a time tying CGD up to the stop sign outside the store, finally saying fuck it and taking him in with me and the Hindu chick yelling at me for being a good dog owner. I don't remember the walk home.
I woke up this morning and thought it was a dream until I found a Bud Tall Boy in the icebox. I started out drinking Busch.
Then I had to check and see if I still had a dog. I do but he smells like somebody pissed on him.


  1. HOW'S THE HEAD??? (I mean the one between the ears) Sorry for yelling, that was just mean.

  2. I was gonna say "been there, done that" but I don't think I've ever pissed on my dog. That's hilarious.

  3. Why do the Hindu's or Asian's seem to own all the 7-11's and such stores??? Don't we own or make ANYTHING in this country anymore????

  4. man you musta been one kinda fucked up to piss on your dog, that made me laugh so hard I spit beer all over my keyboard

  5. You fuckin' crack me up every time I enter your world!! Thanks and remember, a hair of the dog is what cures you.

  6. Did you manage to keep out of the snuff? Well that's what we call it. You know the tobaccy stuff. I hope so. Fingers crossed for you.

  7. Awww... poor CGD! Hope he got a bath, and maybe an extra treat or two!

    And hope you're okay as well -- totally enjoy your blog!


    p.s. You still want dog pictures?

  8. Dogs are man's best drinking buddies. I can hear CGD thinking right now. "It's ok Dad, I'll get ya home, I know the way. Yeah, get good and comfy there, I'll watch the place. And by the way your laundry is gonna smell like piss come Monday!"

  9. did you ever think that maybe it was the Hindu chick who pissed on your dog? jus sayin....

  10. Your crotch wasn't all sticky and shit when you woke up was it?
    If you pissed on the dog there's no tellin where that thing was last night.


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