
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Oh yeah. She's hot.

I bet her earlobes hang lower than her tits do.


  1. Typical fucken dhimmi-crat: they know that regardless of how badly they disfigure their bodies and become ultimately un-employable, they'll always have the safety net of welfare to provide for them unto their dying days. She's actually one of the tame ones, a majority of that shit can be covered up with the right clothes (good luck with them fucken lobes), have you seen the tools with body mods? Horns and knobs and whirlygigs implanted under the skin??? I'm pretty sure Starbucks or McDonalds wouldn't even hire them. Damned proud my tax dollars are providing them with shelter, food, medical care, etc. etc.

  2. Last time I saw earlobes like that, they were on a Massai.

    A great-grandfather, at that.


  3. I gotta still ask... is a blowjob out of the question??? See, I have this friend....

  4. Is the fucking circus in town?

    Just Damn!

  5. ain't that Jeanane Garafolo or whoever?


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