
Monday, November 01, 2010

Fur and hide handling tools

From top to bottom:
Fleshing knife for scraping fat and membrane off the inside of the hide.
Hand axe for whacking off footses and shit.
Skinning knife for unzipping the li'l fuckers.
Beaver skinning knife for those places you can't use a sharp point like the ears and nose.

The fleshing knife has a 16" blade and 24" overall length.
The skinners have 4" of blade length.


  1. So which one do I use on people who keep mistaking me for their toliet and giving me their shit??

  2. Take your pick. They're all lethal.

  3. I used to get all the meat off the hide, pin it down to plywood, rub salt on it and put on the roof of the garage to dry.
    Take it down when I remembered it was up there and rub it up good with Neetsfoot oil.

  4. I skin the fuckers and hang them in the sun leaving the fat to drip into a pan. Soak catfish bait in the liquid and catch some good eatin fat bastards all night long. It's an Okie thang.

  5. That top one would come in handy at some of the polls in Philly. Just sayin.'

  6. Karen, push the little lever on the side...yup, that's it. Flush.....

  7. I've tanned some coons (the critters) and a fox, bat, and possom using a quick tan solution that doesn't require any of these tools as long as you skin it great. Salt, alum, and a couple of other things i can't think of right now.

  8. Gotta whack the footses off, Will, no matter what solution you use. Besides, dismembering critters is fun.


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