
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mom, Dad? I'd like for you to meet the father of my baby.


  1. At some point, tattoo artists need to say, "you know what, you're an idiot, and you will regret getting this tattoo. Just give me your money for saving you from being unemployable, and go home."

    Of course, then we wouldn't have fine individuals like this to laugh at.

  2. Man, If you've got Netflix, watch Mark of Cain. It's available for streaming. It's about Russians in prison and all the tattoos they get, and how sorry they are later. It's also about the bleakest movie about prisons you will ever see. It makes the Turks look civilized.

  3. Yep, I concur. Several years ago, our local newspaper had a picture of a young 20-something dude who had well over a hundred piercings on his face alone... and how he was bemoaning the fact that he couldn't get a job because no one took him seriously!

    In the parlance of these times:


  4. Yeah, I'm prety heavily tattooed but I can cover everything with long sleeves and a collar. I'm not real stupid, ya know.

  5. Yeah Hog, I watched it last night. Let's just say it is a bit on the gritty side.


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