
Monday, January 17, 2011

Caption, please?

Seriously, I got nothin' here.......


  1. Beauty and the mall ninja and... umm, the other guy.

  2. That's just a total WTF? I can't think of anything else.

  3. Well, if it helps... That's Summer Glau from Firefly, and the guy with the gun looks like he might have been trying for a Jayne outfit and missing horribly, or it might have been some other Anime / SciFi / Fantasy character. I'm going on a limb and guess that it was taken at some SciFi con.

    Can't say much, I'd not only try to get Summer Glau to take a picture with me, I'd see if I could talk her into a kiss... and I'm a happily and fearfully married man. (A fearfully married man is when you know that your wife would kill you if she caught you cheating.)

  4. It's the poster for the new remake of Weird Science.

    If you look close he isn't touching her shoulder. They must have had a word with him.

  5. Damn, Those convention geeks got a lot closer to her than I ever will.

    Of course there's still that little matter of the restraining order...

  6. Give credit where credit is due....The guy with the gun has good trigger discipline!!!!!

  7. Man, thats the Girl from the Sarah Chronicles series, the robot send after Jhonn. The idea I guess is to weaponlize the pic with a hot android (the girl).
    I guess, maybe its just a wtf scene after all. or not. huahauhauhauhaa.


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