
Monday, January 03, 2011

This was too easy

Coming out of the Walgreens' earlier today, I noticed a guy about my age standing at the rear of my truck looking at my "Lanes' Predator Control" sign with the picture of the coyote on my tailgate. He looked a little distressed.
When I got up to the truck he asked "How can you shoot coyotes?"
I just grinned, told him "Hey, it ain't easy sometimes. Them li'l fuckers can be quick", then climbed in and drove off.
Where else but a city can you find cheap entertainment like that?


  1. This one made me laugh out loud. Thanks a lot
    Paul in Texas

  2. What do you feel when you shoot a coyote?

  3. Anyone that runs is a coyote! Anyone that doesn't run is a well disciplined coyote!

  4. Easy, ya just don't lead'em as much! Ain't war Hell! HaHa.


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