
Thursday, March 10, 2011

God Bless Texas

Courtesy of Orbitup


  1. That fella should have a big ole pig roast about 4 or 7 times a week too. I'd bring a salad, mustard and some buns.

  2. In Mexico, they had a similar issue. A LOT of people didn't want a mosque going up. Supposedly the Quran has a verse that says the land a mosque is built on must be clean.... so some local farmers slaughtered a pig and buried it on the land the mosque was to be built upon making the land unfit for a Muslim mosque.

    God Bless Texas!

  3. Oops, I was wrong. It wasn't Mexico but Seville, Spain.

  4. I don't even want to get started on a rant about those muslim fuckers 'cause I'd never be able to stop....

    Don't be fucking with America!!!

  5. Like everything else in the USA these fucking baby rapers want to take over everything, including TEXAS! I know they all sound alike, but the BR sounded like the guy in your blog awhile back calling for the tax to support the war, that lived in Texas.

    The guy with the pigs should have not only pig races and Bella's pig roast but should start selling stock in his pig races and expanding his enterprise.


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