
Friday, March 11, 2011

The Japan quake & big-ass wave

Man, I heard about this shit as soon as I turned on my phone this morning. I mean first thing, an hour before the sun was even up.
So I get online and read the news about it. Hmmm, a shitload of people killed, even more missing. Bummer. Earthquake and water will fuck up your weekend every time.
Then I go over to my blogs and read them, then back to the shake-n-wave.
I get bored with that and go over to facebook to see which one of my cousins pissed another off or who's in jail. Believe me, FB is THE way to keep up on family shit without actually having to see any them face to face. Anyways, all they wanna post about was more Japan shit. Dawn is just now breaking and I'm already getting just a little sick and fucking tired hearing about somebody else's problems and how I should pray for them.
Then I got my first touchy feely email from a friend (motherfucker just got his 'man card' pulled) asking that I keep the victims in my thoughts.  Then another one five minutes later.
Fuck that shit. Here's a thought:
Remember Pearl Harbor!


  1. Holy crap... I was thinking the same thing! And we'll probably end up sending millions to assist them: Japan is in the top 20 of the richest countries.

    Anyhoo....that Facebook thing: when I'm not 'creeping' (seeing how classmates and ex-coworkers have aged), it truly is a godsend since that is the only way I can communicate with my son while in The Stan (at least where he was moved to in Helmand the last month).

  2. Now that's somebody that I will keep in my thoughts. Wish him well for me.

  3. Ya know, I REALLY like the way you think man!


    Surfs up dude... :)

  4. P.S. I am going to have to link your blog on mine... We are cut from the same cloth I think!!

  5. Imagine your neighbor shooting your dog; you see him do it, so you load up your rifle, and go over and shoot his dog, too. Then, for good measure, you beat the shit out of him, fuck his wife, and slap his kids around. Your neighbor spends time in the hospital, gets healed up, and plays it straight after that.

    Then one day, many years later, you hear that your neighbor's house has caught fire; one of the kids is dead, and the neighbor lost most of his possessions, although he can rebuild the house. You see him in the yard, surveying the damage.

    "Hey, motherfucker!" you yell. "I'd be willing to help, but I just remembered you shot my dog! Go to hell, motherfucker!"

    I like your blog, and mostly I like your attitude, but in this case I think you're out of line.

  6. Motherfucker shoots my dog, his ass won't get a chance to straighten up.

  7. Shoots MY dog and there's 2 funerals about to happen, MY dog's and his, if someone wants to bury what's left of his sorry carcass...

  8. How can you be out of line when it's your own blog?

  9. It not wave, it godzilla

  10. It not Godzirra. Due to internationar copyright raw, it onry ROOKS rike Godzirra.

  11. I didn't say a thing about Japan, I said go to the hills NOW!

  12. Your blog, your thoughts; say whatever you damn well want. It is just a fact of life that you would care more for your friend down the street then millions of people on the other side of the planet. All of us do and 99% of the people who claim to care honestly could give a crap.
    Keep sayin' it like it is, Wirecutter. I love your blog.

  13. P.S.--Oh, yeah, I forgot. FUCK OBAMA!


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