
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I need an Okie fix, folks.

I was running kinda sorta early this morning so instead of taking Hwy 132 with traffic into work this morning, I hung a right after I crossed the river and was cruising down Durham Ferry Road, singing along with Drivin' and Cryin', enjoying the morning air and generally just enjoying life. It's not a route I take often but when I do I always wonder why I don't drive it every day.
I was doing about 45 without another car in sight - hell, other than the occasional farmhouse, there were no lights at all - keeping an eye out for critters in the roadway, when all of a sudden I heard a WHACK! on my windshield, about 3 times louder than a pebble bouncing off of it. Now I've never been in a vehicle that's been hit in the windshield by gunfire but that was the first thing that crossed my mind so I hit my high beams, stood on the gas and started weaving erratically from one lane to the other for a couple of miles until I was sure I was clear of the impact zone if it was intentional which I seriously doubt, but who wants to take that chance?
Once I got to work I got out and checked my windshield and bigger than shit there was a small crater about the size of a dime almost dead center - actually a tad low and a couple inches to my right of center. The fucking glass wasn't chipped, it was crystallized and I can actually feel it from the inside.

The only thing I can think of is that I was clipped by a stray round that was almost spent, probably from a coyote, possum or coon hunter. No big deal, shit happens.
So now on top of everything else I can't afford, I have a windshield to replace because once the weather hits 100 or above in a few weeks, that motherfucker will spiderweb like crazy and probably leak if it rains again.
Does anybody have a quick cheap fix that I can try to keep that from happening?
Fuck, my insurance has a $500 deductible and between my regular bills and a much needed tune-up on my truck, that's gonna put me on Top Ramen for the next three months.
Any cheap fixes you folks could give me would be much appreciated. It ain't gotta be permanent (although that would be nice) but if it could just get me through the high heat of summer.......


  1. We don't have windshields here in Maine, so I can't help ya, but good luck!

  2. You can get kits that inject epoxy into the crack to stabilize it.
    Permatex makes one, and the part number is 09103. They sell them at AutoZone.
    NAPA lists a bunch of them, too.

  3. Thanks Deb for not making fun of us that take advantage of the finer things in life such as coon, possum or coyote hunting.
    You're an angel.

    And thank you Jim, for the tip - I'll check that out. I'm not worried about making it crystal clear, I just don't want it to get any worse.

  4. I've used them before, and as long as you follow the directions, they work pretty well.
    I think there's also places that will come out and do it for you, and they have better equipment to use, like a *real* vacuum pump.

  5. i've always had great luck with superglue.

    let it run into the crack and you're good to go for less than $2

  6. drjim said what I was going to suggest. If that's still too expensive, duct tape works.

    Just trying to be helpful.

  7. Kenny,
    My insurance company will have a windshield company repair these for free. It's cheaper than a windshield. You may want to give them a call.

    Good luck,

  8. Moving the fuck out of that God forsaken state would be a good start Ken... hell, most of the Southern states don't really care if you've got a windshield or not...

  9. I used the kit once and have a nice big blurry spot in the middle of the windshield now. I don't recommend them unless you don't have comp and collision coverage.

    If you do, just go to Safelite Auto Glass (or any of them) and they'll fix it for free and bill your ins. directly. Call your agent to make sure, but that's what mine just told me. Also, there's no limit on how many you can fix.

  10. check with your insurance company. mine offers to fix similar windshield damage for free to avoid a future larger claim. your deductible may not be considered.

  11. Wirecutter,

    If the hole were larger I'd say some mooslime may have taken you up on one of your many offers...

  12. Snot. Just blow a little boogie into it? Hardens right up.

  13. If your insurance has comprehensive it fully covers windshields or repair of same. Usually no deductible for glass.

  14. Ken... the Permatex works great.
    Over the last 10 years of driving behind Transfer Trucks in Atlanta Traffic, I have fixed 6 good dings with that stuff. Number seven ding hit right in the middle of one of the repaired spots. It spider-webbed. So I called safelite auto glass. $180 and I had a new windshield in 45 mins.

    Fuck Obama....

    Alex in Georgia


  16. JFC WIRECUTTER, Wal-mart sells a kit, do you need the cryin towel?


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