
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Yeah Baby!


  1. It's all slap and tickle fun when you're shootin rocks and shit, seriously I know that, I'm not knockin GOB fun...Besides, TEXAS is the only place I know where you can combine alcohol and live ammunition and call it a FAMILY outing! However on the dull, boring, technical(MOS thingy)side, dude melting the lands and grooves in the(rare and very rexpensive)barrel of his Ma Deuce is so juvenile. Gotta be hammmered to do silly shit like that...Only in a P-51 MUSTANG at 10,000 angels can you have a barrel cool fast enough to put that many sustained rounds downrange without SERIOUS erosion. IT will take your lifetime EFC (Effective Full Charge) count down to zip. another 150 rounds out of that thing and you would have had eventual barrel droop(melting) and molten expensive shrapnel just goin nilly-willy! At about that time all the laughing will stop, and wallah, you got your WTF moment you weren't ready for at all...I apologize for taking all the fun out of it guys,sorry. I had an adult moment.

  2. It just makes me want to say "I've been really, really, REALLY good this year Santa, so how about a..." you get the idea...

  3. What, 7,8 bucks a a round? Fuck dat.
    .416 bolty.


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