
Monday, April 11, 2011

And there it is.

No posts tonight.
Not in the fucking mood.
I'm not in the mood for much of anything. If I had a sweetie, I'd send her ass home.


  1. Noooo you wouldn't! You'd bang her till her ass was black and blue but she had a smile on her face. Don't fucking lie to us. We care about you. *Have a better night*

  2. Well, I think that about covers it... I have more of those type days as I get older... you know, those "fuck it" days....

  3. If you didn't have days like that, you wouldn't be human.

  4. Quit being a pussy, post something. I mean ya jackwagon POST SOMETHING DAMN IT!!! Fuck, I usually count on some redneck white trash humor for my evening read... damn you wire cutter, damn you!!!!

  5. Wirecutter,
    I think myself and TATTOO JIM would recommend you take BELLA's advice and take two aspirins and call us in the morning!! AAR time.


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