
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm trying, dammit

I'm having a motherfucker of a time accessing this blog. I can read it but I can't post on it unless I hit it from a very roundabout way via physical location and links. I don't know if I've been hacked or if Blogger is having issues but it took me and hour and a half to post my usual shit for today.
So bear with me. I may have to export Knuckledraggin and start a new blog with a new name/same shit or something, but if you don't hear from me for a day or three, stay off my ass. It ain't my fault.


  1. What is the problem? Osama the frigging Obama trying to shut you down? "F" EM!

  2. Bull shit, we're going to ride you like a shwinn.

    Might I suggest you move to your own server and use the wordpress format. Much easier, better service, NO CENSORSHIP, and you own your shit.

    That's how Me and TexasFred do it... You have potential oh young jedi.

  3. It's your blog, you can post to it or not as you damned well please. Nobody has any business telling you what to do with it, and if they give you any shit, feel free to send them to me because I have lost all patience with jackasses and will be more than happy to decimate some fools on your behalf. I hope your tech issues get better, I know how frustrating it can be.

  4. Ken... I've been having problems accessing Texas Fred's Blog. Soon as I hit his web page... Internet explorer crashes.. As yours has the past month.. I wonder if the Government Internet Committee is blocking you and Fred's blogs... I wouldn't put it past those Mother Fuckers...

    Alex aka Templar in Georgia

  5. Ken, remember acouple a months ago I alerted you that the .mil and .gov servers at my locale were buggin yours and select sites from your link list. Access denied, blocked pics and videos that crash your PC when you open them. The man is doin some seriously underhanded shit. Just ask Western Shooters and Sipsey Street boys. You too Soylent Green. Just your tax dollars at work....


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