
Friday, April 15, 2011

Kickin' it off right

Okay, it's the beginning of my weekend, (4 tens, gotta love it), I've already hammered back a 12 pack, CGD is at my feet, Hank III is on the stereo singing about wrecking his health and I got laid with bright eyes, laughter and tender kisses right after work.
If it weren't for yard work tomorrow, I couldn't complain.


  1. PANZERMACHINENVERCKERApril 15, 2011 at 12:30 AM

    God loves sinners and saints, you lucky bastard.....DH

  2. lucky sumbitch, I've already pulled 4 10's, still got 8 today and another 8 tomorrow and then have to drive to West Virginia after work tomorrow. Drink one for me.

  3. How inna fuck ya get laid?
    I tol' her I hurt my dick an' she still wouldn't kiss it.
    Fuck Obama, I need about this many fingers of Maker's.

  4. Shit, I pay mine 100k a year and can't even get a reach around.


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