
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lisas' Rant

I picked up a new follower today and when I clicked on her site the very first post I saw was about bacon scented perfume.
She got a new follower too with that post.
Anyways, she's just getting started but looks like she's our kind of people. Go to her site and give her some encouragement.


  1. Another bacon lover, like what I read and she may be as 'normal' as us.

    Thanks for the suggestion!!!

  2. I tried to send her a welcome message but her comments are jakked or I am fubared...

  3. PATRIOTUSA, Dude, I got a fuzzy feein I know yow... 3 ID, 101 ABN, 2 ACR recently?

  4. I've been found you from Brian of Frankenstien Gov. Can't believe you're stuck in California! But glad you survive the moonbat shit!

  5. @dhanna59:

    No, I don't think so even though I am flattered but hey to be honest with you you seem familiar to me too.

    We have run across each other someplace as the dhanna59 looks
    very familiar to me. Can't say
    from where though.


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