
Monday, April 25, 2011

Recognizes muslim hloidays, ignores the Christian ones.

What a fucking punk.
Can you tell that the spokesman was dodging the question about Wingnut issuing a simple fucking statement about Easter?

- From Green Mountains Homesteading, a great site by a True Patriot.


  1. TOOL. Retarded, short-bus ridin', window lickin', year round taxpayer funded day care POSTER CHILD for loser inbred parents, TOOL.... Did I mention bugger-eatin', nose-snot slurppin', scratch his own ass, sniff and laff LIBTARD? AND, makin' six+ figures a year for havin' almost no control or mastery of the frikkin' ENGLISH language... Must have been personally interviewed by Moochelle. What a nice NERDY white boy to replace the last TOOL!

  2. Fuck D, you liberal motherfucker. Why don't you say what's really on your mind?
    BTW, thanks for the info today. I appreciate your help.


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