
Monday, April 18, 2011

Time to close this one out



  1. A comment captured off of James Howard Kunstler's website:

    JulettaofOhio | APRIL 18, 2011 11:04 AM | REPLY
    What a relief to see some notice of the puppet, Eric Holder. However, I don't think he's a puppet by accident, but by design. I was disheartened to see that you give Obama props for the ability to put together a coherent sentence. (When? All I ever hear is the gibberish and platitudes. Who on earth decided this man is "brilliant"? I hear so much balderdash about his superb intelligence, but with nothing to back it up. Did he or did he not attend Columbia? Apparently not.) It seems that progressives are assumed to be "brilliant" simply by the fact that they are progressives. And yet another slap at the white South. Why do you care so much that they like NASCAR? I've never been to a race and don't want to go, but I don't care that they do. Obama wastes much more fuel jetting off on yet another vacation or bogus political junket. You're engaging in classism in a big way, and it's not honorable. Why and in what way is Michelle Bachmann an idiot? Is it because she's on the wrong side? Why is Hillary brilliant? Because she's on your side??? Although I must admit I'd much rather have Hillary as our president. In fact, I voted for her. I'd much rather have a NASCAR loving hunter as a friend than John Kerry. The left, and the media, have formed some type of pact with the devil that demands that all progressives be considered as highly intelligent by virtue of their political stance, and that all conservatives are moronic because of theirs. This doesn't work in the real world, you know.

    Seems like he belongs somewhere.

  2. I'll probably kick my ass kicked here for saying this, but Hillary made a better Sec of State than I thought she would. At least she's working her ass off - I may not agree with everything/anything she's done or said but at least she's working her ass off.
    And she's not on vacation every other week. Of course, if I was her I'd be wanting to spend as little time with Bill as possible too.
    All right, motherfuckers. Hammer me.

  3. I have truly grown to hate Obama. I think he and his whole life are fraudulent. Stole a line from you K...

  4. Gotta kind of agree with you on the Hil, Ken... don't agree with a fucking thing that comes out of her mouth but at least she ain't afraid to do a days work. It's Obama I'm worried about... I have this fear that the conservatives will be so split by the election that fuckhead will be able to waltz back into office... can you imagine 4 more years with that putz in office...

  5. Kenny, you are a good dude, I'm just gonna let you slide on this on account you are a hard workin' all- American, tax-payin blue collar veteran just tryin' to live and let folks live... You don't know shit, shit, shit about what a FUKKIN COMMUNIST SOCIALIST GODDAMM FUKKIN ELITIST MARXIST COKKSUKKINWHORE SHRILLARY IS!!!! STAY IN YOUR LANE, LANE!!!WHHOOOOPPAAASSSS I"M MAD!
    your pal, Derek.

  6. Great patch! I was in 25 years but I never saw that one!

  7. Fuck D, I didn't say I wanted to sniff her drawers, I just said she turned out better than I thought she would.
    She is a liberal and I don't agree with what she says or does, but she does work her baggy ass off.
    Glad I woke you up out of your drunken stupor, though.

  8. Ken, when you wake me up out of my drunken stupor, somebody immediately gets shot.(not really)Usually the person runnin off at the mouth is female.( Not warm, not comfortable, WAAHHH, where's my WOOBIE)? Hands down the most complainers at JRTC are the females that DO NOT HAVE TO FIGHT or go without days and DAYS of personal hygiene neglect...LITLLE FUSSY ASS BITCHES thinkin the world has to stop over their PERIOD!! I shit you not, the majority of females think the Army has to stop in combat so they can see about their VA-JAYJAYS!


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