
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Unemployment Benefit reforms

Congress has announced they intend to make it more difficult to claim Unemployment Benefits.
Starting next Monday, the forms will be printed in English.



  1. HA! Aint that the truth.

    Oh BTW, I told the wife one of these days I'm gonna hit the road and come up for a meet and greet. Perhaps at some beer joint near you. Needs to be a lot of people around, I hear you're a bit unhinged, carry a .45 and kind of white trashy... We should meet up one day and scare the living shit out the fuckers in your area... LMAO.

    What's the weather like in mid summer up there? It's about 115 in the shade down here.

  2. Sounds good!
    It's a bit cooler here, only about 105 from June til October.
    And yeah, my door is a little loose at times.

  3. Well, let me check my schedule and pick a time. I get a vacation sometime in the summer haven't really planned on doing anything But a road trip away from this shithole sure sounds nice.

    We'll do something and hopefully not make the evening news for it.

  4. Wirecutter, beware... Bushwack is a PUSSY, he carries a .40... But, his hinges are loose, and if he ever gets his hands on a GOOD .45, he'll be a convert...

    And if ya can't make the news, you ain't doing it right!

    Damn, I wish I could be with ya'll, some place besides California though...

  5. Unemployment is the greatest umoung blacks in this country because of the high rate of bigets.

  6. FYF keep fuckin with me and I'll tell wirecutter about your pinklady firearm....

    Yeah I carry a XD-40 Tactical and a couple other wonderful precious metal expulsion devices...But I digress...

    I do have a chance to pick up a 1911 for a steal... We'll see. I got a great deal on the .40 and love the thing.

  7. And also because you can't spell, Kid.
    And also because you would rather blame the white man for your shortcomings instead of getting off your ass and doing something about it.
    Thought about joining the service? Maybe you should - Job training in specialized fields, travel, and best of all, equality no matter what your race.

  8. And there ya have it. Liberalism at work. The reason Blacks are unemployed is because whitey is keepin em down... Although one black man is POTUS, another is on the SCOTUS, one was sec def, one black lady was sec of state.

    Herman Cain, Allen West, Kevin Jackson and about half a million other successful black men would disagree.. But hey it's the easiest way to keep on being a lazy slug. Blame Whitey

  9. After reading the Kids comment, All I can say is that was truly the most ignorant post I've ever had the displeasure of reading.
    What an liberal imbecile your are.
    That's what happens when a teacher wastes a whole month preaching about a raisin in the sun during Black History instead of teaching about real life. A complete waste of time and brain matter.

  10. Hey Kid, I feel ya Bro, That's why I support and endorse Planned Parenthood. You gotta be the POSTER CHILD for PRO CHOICE!!!
    More ghetto jelly-babies!!
    Keep 'em comin'! Pass out the flyers on how to get a free one! You got rights!! So does your baby-mama, DEMAND 'EM!!!! Don't let the MAN keep you down!! Damn them bigets!


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