
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What a fucking idiot

Arfur (from Wales) tipped me off to this and nkrey sent me the video.
Both of their comments are below the clip.

Hi Ken
Barry O'Barma managed a huge fuck up at the function tonight. He
continued with his speech whilst the national anthem was being played.
A huge fuck up!
BTW the presidents wife has a huge fing arse and I dont mean her husband!

He seems to have really messed this up.. first you never touch your glass until the Queen does, then he talks over their national anthem. No wonder the Queen dislikes him so much. I heard one person say " it was not his fault the band started too early." Enjoy


What a stupid motherfucker.
He seems to fuck shit up every time he sets foot in England. Maybe they should lock his dumb ass up in the Tower of London. They'd be doing us all a favor.
I can't believe this.
But I did notice how Her Majesty set his fucking ghetto ass straight.....


  1. HE.IS. A. FUCKING. TOOL. with all do respect to wrenches, hammers, screwdrivers, saws, etc. etc. etc.

    fuck him and the 52 percent of the idiots that voted his ass in to the leadership of this great country!

  2. Fuck, surely his advisors told him about this shit. Wait, maybe they figured there's no need to. It's common sense.

  3. Common sense or uncommon sense, he displays neither. And yes, she does have a big f-ing arse-or two to work on.

  4. After watching this doofus try and impose his will on our Country for the last 2-1/2 years, and reading recent comments elsewhere, I'm beginning to think this motherfucker is doing shit like this ON PURPOSE.
    It's real obvious he could give two shits about our allies, and I think he's doing crap like this to let them know.

  5. Aww... give a brother a break... he ain't used to being outa his hood... wait a minute, where the fuck is his REAL hood anyway???? I'm still not buying that birth certificate shit! If the conservatives don't soon get their collective asses in gear and come up with somebody, we're fucked for another 4 years!! Me, I'm voting for YOLO!!!

  6. Me too, YOLO for Prez...oh wait, I can't vote down there....crap...

  7. He and miss monkey butt have no idea how to behave in high diplomatic circles or what is proper and is not. He is am embarrassment to this country and no wonder he is laughed at on the global stage. The Queen can barely tolerate him and for very good reasons. Intentional behavior? Could be as narccistic, arrogant and ignorant as he is.

    Our allies are disgutsed by him and are growing fewer in number, thanks to his stupidity and hatred of of America and what we have done FOR the world. His pandering to the mussie world will gain us nothing but continued grief and more American deaths. How many mussie countries will rush to our aid should a serious war or global event erupt? One only has to look at muslim history for that answer.
    He has stabbed so many of our staunchest allies in the back, especiallly Israel and Eastern Europe.

  8. But in Obongo's defense, the video neglected to show that he did his best to make amends, by elbowing Her Majesty in the ribs, saying, "Yo, beeyotch,check this out!" then moon-walking around his chair twice while making Michael Jackson "Eee-hee" sounds.

    The Queen was not amused.


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