
Friday, August 19, 2011

Are you fucking stupid?

(Briefing Room) — New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I) said Friday that the “single biggest” thing President Obama can do right now to spur job creation in the United States is to allow more immigration.
“Most importantly, we want to get immigrants from around the world to come to America,” Bloomberg said in an interview with the “CBS Early Show.”
“That’s the single biggest thing that the president could do with Congress, is open up the borders to those that will create jobs here.”
He told CBS that immigrants “don’t take away jobs” but rather they create jobs for people already living in the United States.
- Weasel Zippers


  1. And this is why we live in a time that will, somewhere in the near future, be know as the tipping point of America... where we've reached the point of no return. The U.S.A., as we knew it, will never be again... how sad is that?


  2. Hmmm... can I get some of the drugs Bloomberg is on? He sounds like he's stoned out of his mind!

  3. Bloomberg is not only stupid, he is absolutely a fucking arrogant dipshit of a moron when it comes to government.

  4. And they keep voting him back in, Glenn!

  5. NYC is like every other mega-city that is not a state capitol. If every person in those cities ceased to exist, it would have no impact on the coming apocalypse. Inconsequential. NYC, Chicago, LA, Sanfran, Detroit, etc, etc. These places are parasites that suck the life-blood out of their host-states. And, like a tick on your dog, removing them makes it all better....


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