
Monday, September 19, 2011

Yeah Ahmed, Mondays fucking suck.

Oooh, flying body parts!


  1. I just love a happy ending...

  2. Sheeee-it! That rocked. And the 'next up' clip was an A-10 perforating Talibans with those 30mms. I have been in love with the Warthog since the 60s. Finest aircraft to ever support a grunt!!

  3. Seen that shit on a daily basis in Afghanistan. We called the feed off the aircraft "Kill TV" and would sit around with popcorn and cokes waiting for the shit to happen. I watched Taliban shoot their buddys by mistake while running from Soldiers, an AC-130 play the duck shooting game with one Talib asshat where he dropped not from being shot, but because they didn't sight the guns in they finally got him with shrapnel and a dog ripped his arm off.

    Oh, the A-10 was introduced into the USAF in the Fulda Gap of Germany in 1977 to throw a big fuck all party for the ruskies if they decided to come play and has been a show stopper ever since.

  4. "Video removed because it violates terms of service?"

    Splodey muzzies are offensive?



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